Winter Decor Ideas for After Christmas

Although it is 60 degrees and I have my win­dows open, win­ter sol­stice has offi­cial­ly arrived here in West­ern Ken­tucky. Lucky for me this year I have focused more on win­ter­ing my decor from the begin­ning of the hol­i­day sea­son. Aside from tak­ing the Christ­mas tree down in a few days there is very lit­tle I will have to do to tran­si­tion the home­stead into a cozy abode this winter.

I hope you enjoy gath­er­ing inspi­ra­tion from these spaces like I did bring­ing them togeth­er. Each idea is unique and would be a won­der­ful win­tery addi­tion to your home. I would love to hear your feed­back, tell me you fave!

I love this swag cre­at­ed by Knick of Time. It pairs beau­ti­ful­ly with this lit­tle brown paper bow. It is sim­ple and eas­i­ly upcy­cled with gar­land and left over kraft paper.

Just because the Christ­mas sea­son had passed that does­n’t mean the snow is going any­where. A Piece of Rain­bow shows you how to cre­ate snow cov­ered cones in under 5 min­utes! These add a beau­ti­ful light­ly dust­ed look to your table or any space you wish to dis­play them.

How adorable would this be? You could eas­i­ly make this in just a cou­ple steps as shown HERE in a video tuto­r­i­al by Snow­man Crafts. Replace your bright Christ­mas stock­ing with this sim­ple lit­tle gar­land in no time.

How per­fect and thrifty and per­fect are these “Vase Cozies” by Thrift and Chic? I absolute­ly adore the look and how sim­ple they are to cre­ate! Add them to your after-Christ­mas decor to keep things look­ing cozy!

This lit­tle project took no time to com­plete and it’s a great way to reuse gar­lands left over from Christ­mas dec­o­rat­ing, plus it’s a great way to make use of those pesky sticks in your yard. You can see my com­plete tuto­r­i­al HERE

A com­mon trend among the win­ter­ing of your decor seems to be great­ly inspired by nature. And what is bet­ter at mak­ing win­ter more wintery…snow! Okay, okay, so maybe you can’t bring it indoors buu­u­u­ut this lit­tle Snow Day in a Jar by Made In A Day may make you rethink the possibilities. 

And yet anoth­er beau­ti­ful exam­ple of using snow to cozy up your space by Mag­no­lia. Min­gle these in with your green moss balls for an instant win­tery touch!

These lit­tle enam­el pitch­ers were used as part of a Christ­mas entry­way over at On Sut­ton Place, but I think you can see why they would eas­i­ly tran­si­tion from Christ­mas to post-Christ­mas decor. You can nev­er go wrong with pine cones and a white vase of greenery.

This lit­tle miten door hang­er by White and Fad­ed will help keep your space look­ing cozy all win­ter long! Not only does it look fan­ta­sic but it is an easy cre­ation as well! 

Are you feel­ing a lit­tle warmer yet? I hope you find these ideas inspi­ra­tional and help­ful in get­ting you through that post-Christ­mas slump!


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