Simple Heart Clips for Valentine’s Day

Valen­tine’s Day is such a fun lit­tle hol­i­day to me. From mak­ing cards to giv­ing choco­lates, and all the roman­tic things in between; I think it’s fun. Is it super cheesy? Oh my word, yes! haha but… I real­ly don’t mind the label of a hope­less roman­tic if you choose to call me that. Even with all the love I have in my heart for the cel­e­bra­tions, it is just sim­ply one hol­i­day I don’t get excit­ed to dec­o­rate for sim­ple because of the bold col­ors that typ­i­cal­ly some along with it. Pinks, and reds, espe­cial­ly, just aren’t what I want in my house. I like for my sea­son­al decor to blend with the rest of my home. If you have been fol­low­ing me for any length of time now, then you know that neu­trals are my jam, and I make no excep­tions for this lit­tle project. That is def­i­nite­ly not to say that you can’t mod­i­fy this project to fit your taste, I am sim­ply shar­ing my rea­son for chos­ing th col­ors I did.

For this project I am using hym­nal paper, though old book pages or scrap­book paper would work just as well. I can imag­ine the words from a roman­tic nov­el being a great lit­tle touch of char­ac­ter to this sim­ple lit­tle craft. Along with the paper I have mini clothes pins, hot glue and scissors.

Start by fold­ing your paper in half. Whichev­er way you chose, hor­i­zon­tal and ver­ti­cal are both just fine.

Next, cut out your heart shape along the fold. The crease of the fold should be in the cen­ter of your heart shape, see below.

Once your heart shapes are cut, (I make about 8–10 total), It is time to hot glue the mini clothes pins to the hearts.

Now sim­ply take your pre­cious, new lit­tle clips and have fun! I chose to clip mine to my exist­ing eucy­lap­tus stems for just the tiny-est touch of Valen­tine’s Day.

I love the sim­plic­i­ty of this look!


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Kathryn P says:

Soooo cute! I want to make some of these lit­tle beauties!

roostandrestore says:

Aww that’s great!! 

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