A Tiered Tray Styled with DIY Projects

I have nev­er real­ly dec­o­rat­ed for Valen­tine’s Day but I am real­ly enjoy­ing just a sprin­kle of love here and there min­gled with my decor. And after see­ing plen­ty of Valen­tine’s Day trays decked out in bright reds and pinks I decid­ed I want­ed to tone things down a bit and bring some of my DIY projects togeth­er to cre­ate a beau­ti­ful­ly styled Neu­tral Valen­tines Day Tiered Tray. When all was said and done this lit­tle thing was FILLED with sim­ple DIY’s I have cre­at­ed over time. There is noth­ing more sat­is­fy­ing that see­ing all your projects come togeth­er beau­ti­ful­ly. If you don’t have a tiered tray, don’t wor­ry I have you cov­ered on that too! See how to make your own TIERED TRAY HERE and get start­ed fill­ing it with all of your creations!

Be inspired and enjoy!

Learn to make this adorable PAINT STICK PICTURE FRAME HERE
Learn more about these cute lit­tle DIY NESTING HOUSES HERE and see my inspi­ra­tion for my spray paint­ed roost­er from Re-Fabbed HERE
Learn to make these SIMPLE HEART CLIPS HERE
I shared this WOOD BEAD GARLAND on a Face­book LIVE

When I began assem­bling this tray ear­li­er today I did not have inten­tions of using this many DIY cre­ations but I have to say I absolute­ly love it! I shared this in hopes to inspire you to use some of your own cre­ations to assem­ble a beau­ti­ful tray or vignette! 


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