Simple Wood Block Houses

I am see­ing these adorable ceram­ic nest­ing hous­es all over the place. Not only do they make adorable addi­tions to your Christ­mas decor, they are also great piences to have sit­ting out year round. My favorite part you may ask? The sim­plic­i­ty, of course. I like to keep things neu­tral over here at R+R and these lit­tle beau­ties just sim­ply make me happy.

These are just your basic 2x cut to a point so that they resem­ble a rooftop. My lengths from bot­tom to tip are 10,7, and 5 inch­es. Cut them your­self or sim­ply order a set HERE

Then, paint and allow to dry. White is the stan­dard col­or for these cute lit­tle hous­es. To me that is what makes them so darn cute!

Once the paint was dry, I decid­ed to sand the edges to cre­ate a sim­ple dis­tressed effect. I used some scrap sand paper I had lay­ing around to add a hint of char­ac­ter to the oth­er­wise plain lit­tle houses. 

Y’all that is lit­er­al­ly all there is to these lit­tle nest­ing hous­es. Feel free to get cre­ative and add win­dows or even a lit­tle chim­ney to make them unique to you and your space.



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