How to Make a Pom Pom Pillow

I have been eager to make a pil­low like this for a while now but had dif­fi­cul­ty jus­ti­fy­ing pay­ing retail price for one. So I did what any good DIY’er would do and I decid­ed to make one for myself. I want you to help you learn to repli­cate the look of pop­u­lar high end pil­lows with­out the cost! Join me and cre­ate your own DIY pom pil­low in just a few sim­ple steps.This look was inspired not only for my obses­sion for pil­lows but also from fel­low blog­ger Kar­i­anne Wood with Thistle­wood Farms. She does an amaz­ing job pre­sent­ing DIY home decor in a way that looks high end and super classy. That was the approach I decid­ed to take with this throw pillow. 

It all start­ed with this basic lum­bar pil­low cov­er from Ama­zon. I love the shape and col­or of this lit­tle cov­er and for the price it could­n’t be beat!

When I went to the store for my yarn for mak­ing my poms, I came across this neat lit­tle pom and tas­sel mak­er. I snagged it up think­ing it would be a match made in heav­en. I need­ed pom poms and bam there is a mak­er just beg­ging me to take it off the shelf. This is the exact mak­er I used for this project.

Are y’all ready for this mag­ic? That is how I kept describ­ing this today as I made it. It real­ly is so easy and cute it is magical.

I start­ed by cut­ing small strips of my yarn and lay­ing them across the pom mak­er every three spaces. You can bring them clos­er for small­er pom poms. The size and col­or is left up to you.

Next, I wrapped the yarn from peg to peg approx­i­mate­ly 35 times and tied off each sec­tion. I did­n’t real­ly have a rea­son for using this num­ber, it just sound­ed good..haha! I real­ize that is not the most help­ful advice, but what I can tell you is its very hard to over do a pom, how­ev­er if you don’t wrap the yarn enough your pom pom will not be very fluffy. My best advice for you is to heir on the heav­ier side.

All that was left was for me to cut the cen­ter between the tied off sections. 

Once the pom poms were com­plete and shape­ly, I sim­ply arranged them on the pil­low cov­er and hot glued them in place! It is seri­ous­ly that easy! Shap­ing the pom poms is key to mak­ing the project look nice and fin­ished. I would sug­gest trim­ming them up so they are sim­i­lar in size and shape.

Using my left over buf­fa­lo snow from my Christ­mas decor, I stuffed the cov­er to the max an zipped her right up. When mak­ing your own, just remem­ber that an over­stuffed pil­low is key to cre­at­ing a high-end look.

No kid­ding, this is prob­a­bly the cutest pil­low I have on my couch right now! It was super afford­able and oh my good­ness was it fun! I love it when a good plan comes together..what do you think? It looks high-end to me!




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