How to build and easy DIY Wood Lantern

I love mak­ing my own beau­ti­ful decor. This lantern is one of those projects that is so sim­ple and looks like it came right from the store. I assem­bled using the PRECUT PROJECT KIT from R+R Sup­ply that can be pur­chased HERE but it could be eas­i­ly assem­bled using some sim­ple wood cuts. I have includ­ed a list below.


  • (1) 6x6 in wood blocks
  • (2) 8x8in wood blocks
  • (4) 12x2 in wood blocks
  • Nail gun (or Wood glue)
  • Hard­ware or a knob of some sort

Begin by attach­ing the four 12x2 board to the four cor­ners of the 8x8 board. We used a nail gun, how­ev­er, wood glue would be suf­fi­cient. Just be sure to allow plen­ty of dry time.

Repeat the same process for the oth­er end of the lantern, using the sec­ond 8x8 block.

Then, we attached the 6x6 block to the top using an old knob insert­ed through a pre-drilled hole. This step can also be sub­si­tut­ed with wood glue as well.

I stained the lantern using Min­wax Espres­so to add a touch of rich col­or. The Ama­zon link for this same col­or is HERE

Y’all that is it! Easy peasy and oh so beau­ti­ful. I am tick­led with the sim­plic­i­ty and the touch of char­ac­ter this adds to my cof­fee table. Style with green­ery and a can­dle and you’re set! 


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