Christmas is less than a week away and that means it will soon be time to start preparing to transition your home decor from festive to something more seasonal. I love decorating for winter because by-nature things are more simple. I love the shades of whites and woods found in nature during this time of year and it is the perfect time to bring a little bit of the outdoors inside…where it’s warm.
This project utilizes sticks from the yard, seriously it doesn’t get any cheaper AND upcycled garland that I found at the thrift store a couple weeks ago. I simply dry brushed a bundle of sticks with a creamy shade of white.

My original intentions were to spray paint the sticks but luckily I was forced to improvise due to a clogged spray can. I ended up loving the hand painted look even better!

Right after painting the sticks I randomly sprayed different areas with spray adhesive and flocked it with artificial snow to give it just an extra touch of a snowy look. It is really much simpler than it all sounds. When breaking it down in steps, the process seems lengthy but it’s truly a quick process.

Next, I grabbed a couple of olive wall planters I had previously purchased from Amazon, thrifted garland, (it had definitely seen its better day), and a set of wire cutters. This is a good time to advise you to think twice before throwing out your shabby Christmas garlands. As you’re packing things away for next year keep some of those greens out to use for your winter decor, or deconstruct the ones that may not have a lot of life left in them.

Then, using the wire cutters, I dissembled the garland and stuffed it into the buckets..don;t worry the shaping will come later.

After that. it was time to put the sticks into place. See I told ya this one was easy-peasy. There was really no pattern to the stick placement, and that’s kinda the point. Random, natural and an oh-so-cozy to transition into winter.

I ended up only using one of the planters for now. I am certain I will find a spot for the second one. For now this one has found its place in my entryway! Simple and woodsy..I think I am in love with it in this space. What do you think?