DIY Projects

Simple Winter Display Using Upcycled Garland and Painted Sticks

Christ­mas is less than a week away and that means it will soon be time to start prepar­ing to tran­si­tion your home decor from fes­tive to some­thing more sea­son­al. I love dec­o­rat­ing for win­ter because by-nature things are more sim­ple. I love the shades of whites and woods found in nature dur­ing this time of year and it is the per­fect time to bring a lit­tle bit of the out­doors inside…where it’s warm.

This project uti­lizes sticks from the yard, seri­ous­ly it does­n’t get any cheap­er AND upcy­cled gar­land that I found at the thrift store a cou­ple weeks ago. I sim­ply dry brushed a bun­dle of sticks with a creamy shade of white. 

My orig­i­nal inten­tions were to spray paint the sticks but luck­i­ly I was forced to impro­vise due to a clogged spray can. I end­ed up lov­ing the hand paint­ed look even better! 

Right after paint­ing the sticks I ran­dom­ly sprayed dif­fer­ent areas with spray adhe­sive and flocked it with arti­fi­cial snow to give it just an extra touch of a snowy look. It is real­ly much sim­pler than it all sounds. When break­ing it down in steps, the process seems lengthy but it’s tru­ly a quick process. 

Next, I grabbed a cou­ple of olive wall planters I had pre­vi­ous­ly pur­chased from Ama­zon, thrift­ed gar­land, (it had def­i­nite­ly seen its bet­ter day), and a set of wire cut­ters. This is a good time to advise you to think twice before throw­ing out your shab­by Christ­mas gar­lands. As you’re pack­ing things away for next year keep some of those greens out to use for your win­ter decor, or decon­struct the ones that may not have a lot of life left in them.

Then, using the wire cut­ters, I dis­sem­bled the gar­land and stuffed it into the buckets..don;t wor­ry the shap­ing will come later.

After that. it was time to put the sticks into place. See I told ya this one was easy-peasy. There was real­ly no pat­tern to the stick place­ment, and that’s kin­da the point. Ran­dom, nat­ur­al and an oh-so-cozy to tran­si­tion into winter.

I end­ed up only using one of the planters for now. I am cer­tain I will find a spot for the sec­ond one. For now this one has found its place in my entry­way! Sim­ple and woodsy..I think I am in love with it in this space. What do you think?




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