Easy DIY Miniature Magnolia Wreath

This lit­tle project was lit­er­al­ly what one might call a “hap­py lit­tle acci­dent” Mak­ing a mini mag­no­lia wreath was not real­ly where I was head­ed with this one. I was shar­ing a DIY Wood Block House on a Face­book Live when I real­ized my orig­i­nal idea for a mini wreath was turn­ing out to be…

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DIY Scrap Wood Fall Sign

I love a good scrap wood project, and this Scrap Wood Fall Sign does not dis­ap­point! There real­ly isn’t much you can’t do with a good piece of scrap wood. If you don’t have the lux­u­ry of hav­ing wood easy to access I have curat­ed an amaz­ing Scrap Wood Box Sub­scrip­tion that deliv­ers 3 or…

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DIY Farmhouse Riser from Baseball Nubs

This project has been months in the mak­ing. In order for you to appre­ci­ate this project I have to share a lit­tle back story. A few months ago I was asked to present a project at a live craft­ing event host­ed by Brooke Riley from Re-fabbed. I knew I want­ed to teach the ladies to make…

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2 Step Candlestick Makeover

Sup­plies Can­dle­stick of your choice  Spray Adhe­sive Flo­ral Moss If you love cre­ative decor like I do then this is def­i­nite­ly the project for you! It’s not your typ­i­cal can­dle­stick makeover with paint, though those do have their place in the world of DIY. Dare I say this project is EASIER than paint­ing and can be…

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Tiered Tray From Thrifted Plates

Supplies Needed: 3 Thrift­ed Plates Spin­dles Knob E6000 Adhe­sive Spray paint I have always want­ed a rea­son to buy all the pret­ty lit­tle plates from the thrift store or yard sales. I have want­ed one of those beau­ti­ful tiered farm­house trays for what seems like for­ev­er but could nev­er bring myself to spend the mon­ey.…

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Easy Wood Bead Napkin Rings

It’s not secret that I love wood bead ele­ments in my home and if you’re read­ing this I am guess­ing you share the same wood bead obses­sion that I do right? What did we ever do before “farm­house” decor haha. In addi­tion to this super cute nap­kin ring I also enjoyed mak­ing this super cute and…

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DIY Apothecary Canisters Using Mason Jars

Supplies Needed: Mason Jar with lid  Can­dle­stick or small vase Knobs Spray Paint E6000 Craft Adhesive This project was so fun and fes­tive! I was look­ing for some­thing sim­ple and chic to add to a spring vignette and this was just the thing! If you live with me then you know that I col­lect glass jars. I…

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