DIY Scrap Wood Fall Sign

I love a good scrap wood project, and this Scrap Wood Fall Sign does not dis­ap­point! There real­ly isn’t much you can’t do with a good piece of scrap wood. If you don’t have the lux­u­ry of hav­ing wood easy to access I have curat­ed an amaz­ing Scrap Wood Box Sub­scrip­tion that deliv­ers 3 or more scrap wood projects right to your door! Sav­ing and for­get­ting those amaz­ing ideas on Pin­ter­est is now a thing of the past. Turn your awe­some ideas into beau­ti­ful pieces of rus­tic decor for your home! 


It all start­ed here, with this plain ole piece of wood. Noth­ing fan­cy, just a sol­id piece of per­fect proportions.

I start­ed by quick­ly rough­ing the sur­face with a piece of sand­pa­per and applied a quick coat of white paint. Note that it took about 3 good coats to get a good cov­er­age and boy did that white make a difference!

My next step was word­ing. I do not have the gift of beau­ti­ful hand-let­ter­ing so I used some Chalk Cou­ture sam­ples I had lay­ing around. I am NOT a CC design­er but I do love their prod­ucts. The fall design I used was from last years release I believe.

I used their ink to do this trans­fer only because I did­n’t have the paste. In hind­sight I think the paste would have pre­vent­ed the black from bleed­ing a lit­tle. Again I am not a sea­son Chalk Couture-ist.…I was just using what I had to get words on the board. Any sten­cil and paint would work great.

I light­ly and I mean LIGHTLY sand­ed the sur­face of the paint only after I knew it was good and dry. My thought here was that it would pos­si­bly help with the brush strokes being so visible.

And then I applied my sten­cil and ink.

Once my design was ready I let it set overnight just to ensure it was good and dry.

In the mean­time the hub­by was mak­ing my cuts for the trim of the sign. We used 1in. cedar from Lowe’s. I had him make 4 cuts because orig­i­nal­ly I had planned to frame out all the edges.

I used Min­wax Espres­so to stain the wood to a per­fect shade of brown.

After allow­ing them time to dry to the touch, I attached the top and bot­tom trim using a nail gun. 

This is where my mind switched from the sim­ple 4 sided from to cre­at­ing a hand­ing can­vas-type look. 

I fash­ioned a hang­er out of two small screws and a piece of old rusty wire I had stashed from a recent trip to a “junker’s paradise”

scrap wood sign up close with rusty wire
scrap wood sign

Are you ready for the reveal… she’s a beaut!

happy fall yall scrap wood sign
green pumpkin with cotton stems and scrap wood sign
scrap wood happy fall yall sign


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