DIY Apothecary Canisters Using Mason Jars

Supplies Needed:

This project was so fun and fes­tive! I was look­ing for some­thing sim­ple and chic to add to a spring vignette and this was just the thing! If you live with me then you know that I col­lect glass jars. I am not real­ly sure why but I can’t seem to bring myself to throw them away. There are so many uses for left­over glass! Any­way, off my soap­box and back on topic…I start­ed with a left­over mason jar. I scrubbed it clean of all stick­ers and residue. It looked like this before. 

After­wards, using E6000, I attached an old knob to the lid of the jar and allowed it set before paint­ing. Once the glue has hard­ened, spray paint your lids and can­dle­sticks with a col­or of our choice. I used Rus­toleum Robin’s Egg. At this point you’re prac­ti­cal­ly fin­ished, easy right? 

Once again, using E6000, attached the top of the can­dle stick to the base of your jar, and wha­la! Now you have a beau­ti­ful lit­tle apothe­cary jar…or three. Fill them with green­ery or use them for beau­ti­ful and func­tion­al stor­age in your bath­room. These are so fun and sim­ple to make you can’t make just one!


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Your page is put togeth­er so per­fect! I love your cute­ness!! I went to bed with my phone in hand ador­ing all of your ideas! I will even­tu­al­ly make them all!! I did paint a ter­ra cot­ta pot last night… just need to get the round to dis­play it and an orb made!! Thank you again for sharing!!

roostandrestore says:

You are so so wel­come! Your com­pli­ments mean the world and help keep me going ??

roostandrestore says:

Thank you so much! I’m so glad you’re doing the DIYs! 

Jacklyn says:

Love this dyi! Turned out so cute! I have tons of mason jars! Going to make these! Sim­ply adorable and afford­able! Thanks so much for sharing!?

roostandrestore says:

It’s a super easy project with a big impact…those are my fave! I’d like to do a more “farm­housey” style ver­sion too! Thanks so much for fol­low­ing ♥️♥️

roostandrestore says:


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