Upcycled Pine Cone Decor

I am not gonna lie this is one of those projects that when you first start it your like, “what the heck?” Or at least I was any­way. I had this grand vision of how it was sup­posed to look and let me just warn you you may be tempt­ed about 3 min­utes in to give up and throw it in the trash. Take heed my friend I promise it will turn out beau­ti­ful­ly if you just see it through!

Supplies Needed:

Start by using your scis­sors to cut the scales off the pine cone. I used the scales from the bot­tom half of the cone sim­ply because they were eas­i­er to cut.

Then, start hot glu­ing your scales around the ball, plac­ing them all fac­ing in the same direc­tion. It helps to stur­dy your ball for dec­o­rat­ing by sit­u­at­ing it on top of a cup, or some­thing sim­i­lar. In my case I had a small pot avail­able and that did the trick. Noth­ing fan­cy here. This was about the time I felt like giv­ing up on this DIY and call it a flop. Just to warn you, it does not look beau­ti­ful imme­di­ate­ly. Just keep going.

Con­tin­ue adding the scales to the ball, tuck­ing them under­neath the pre­vi­ous lay­er until the entire ball is cov­ered. I was sur­prised at how unique this dec­o­ra­tive ball looked once it was fin­ished. It was so sim­ple and affordable! 

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