
5 Comfy Outdoor Spaces


Maybe its just me, but I am hyper­sen­si­tive to all the work that needs to be done in my yard this time of year. There is lit­er­al­ly not a sin­gle area of my yard that I would con­sid­er total­ly fin­ished. I think choos­ing to focus on an area where I can unwind after the days stress­es or relax with a cup of cof­fee is a THE def­i­n­i­tion of com­fy. I have gath­ered some com­fy spaces that would make it very dif­fi­cult for me to com­plete any­thing on my out­door to-do list. You’re welcome.

This space lit­er­al­ly has every­thing I could ever imag­ine in a patio area!
Did some­one say star gaze? Sleep­ing under the stars is now on my buck­et list.
I love the close and cozy feel of this area! I can just hear the con­ver­sa­tions now.
The per­fect blend of farm­house and modern.
Soft light­ing is a must for cre­at­ing a cozy out­door space.

I don’t know about you but each and every one of these spaces make me want to do any­thing but yard work! 

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