2 Step Candlestick Makeover


If you love cre­ative decor like I do then this is def­i­nite­ly the project for you! It’s not your typ­i­cal can­dle­stick makeover with paint, though those do have their place in the world of DIY. Dare I say this project is EASIER than paint­ing and can be com­plet­ed in 2 easy steps!

Grab your­self a thrifty can­dle­stick It does not have to be per­fect. In the end the shape is all that is going to matter.

Pro Tip

“Use loose moss rather than sheet moss on this par­tic­u­lar project. It will allow more flex­i­bil­i­ty with shap­ing and styling once it is prop­er­ly adhered to the candlestick.” 


This is the Dol­lar Tree Flo­ral Moss I had on hand. Mine came from my local dol­lar store or grab some HERE

Step 1 of 2

Grab your spray adhe­sive and apply direct­ly to the can­dle­stick, start­ing at the bot­tom and work your way to the top.

Step 2 of 2

Then, press your flo­ral moss direct­ly to the adhe­sive, fol­low­ing the curves and shape of the can­dle stick. I laid my can­dle­stick on its side so I had more con­trol of the moss. It can get a bit messy.

Y’all that’s it! Two easy steps to restor­ing a basic ole’ can­dle­stick into cre­ative decor for your home! And of course, style to your liking!


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