Easy 4th of July Decor


Last night we had some CRAY‑Z storms roll through, knock­ing down trees and blow­ing limbs and leaves every-stinkin-where. Inspi­ra­tion came for this project as I stood gaz­ing out my win­dow dread­ing the yard work in my near future. Then it hit me…why do yard work when you can DIY? 

Me and my handy man, Linc, went and gath­ered a few branch­es. I mean after all, we were get­ting limbs out of the yard. Two birds, one stone and my boy was hap­py. Talk about a win-win-win.

Grab a can of your favorite white spray paint and paint your branches.

You can see the downed tree and all the leaves from the storm.
My sweet lit­tle helper. 

While your sticks are dry­ing, it’s a per­fect time to stain your wood craft stars. I’m not sure if that’s the “tech­ni­cal name” or not but you get the gist of it here. Use a basic brush to paint on the stain and dab the excess with a paper towel. 

Before stain
After stain

Once your paint­ing and stain­ing are out of the way, it’s time add your wood beads. If you have been fol­low­ing along on the blog you know that I am a HUGE FAN of wood bead projects. They are prob­a­bly THE best thing to have on hand if you enjoy DIY farm­house decor. These col­ors came from a big mul­ti-col­or set with plen­ty of col­ors and sizes to chose from. 

I chose to use prim­i­tive col­ors for a patri­ot­ic look. 

Care­ful not to burn your fingers…place a dab of hot glue on/in one open­ing of the bead and “thread” onto the your stick. Repeat with desired vari­a­tions of col­or and sizes. 

Attach your stained wood­en stars to dif­fer­ent branched at dif­fer­ent heights for a ran­dom look. 

Style in a cute vase or jar and your adorable lit­tle branch decor is com­plete! How per­fect is this for a lit­tle splash of patri­ot­ic decor? The best part is it can be cus­tomized for dif­fer­ent sea­sons or decor.


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