Vintage Valentine’s Day Mantle Decor

Ok y’all. So I have jumped on the band­wag­on and decid­ed to add just a touch of love to my decor for Valen­tine’s Day. I have not giv­en it much thought in years past but I am real­ly enjoy­ing the chal­lenge of incor­po­rat­ing the “feel” of Valen­tine’s with­out so much of the reds ros­es and pink plas­tic hearts. 

I cre­at­ed this look by gath­er­ing a few signs I had in oth­er rooms of my home and brought them togeth­er to cap­ture a cen­tral theme. The largest one came right off my mas­ter bed­room wall. No kid­ding! When I dec­o­rate it is rare that an object will stay in that place per­ma­nent­ly. Things are con­stant­ly on the move in our house. And this is why…I lay­ered the signs with shab­by vin­tage books, brass can­dle­sticks and a chip­py win­dow frame for an instant­ly vin­tage-meets-romance look. BOOM! Instant Valen­tine’s Day vibes just by com­bin­ing signs with words like “heart” and “for­ev­er” and “love”

I would have LOVED for these books to be old romance nov­els. That would be just a fun lit­tle touch. I do how­ev­er, adore the col­ors and age of this lit­tle stack. Does this cap­ture your heart like it does mine?

Of course my man­tle would­n’t be com­plete with­out incor­po­rat­ing a DIY or two…or three! I recent­ly shared this lit­tle moss heart over on my Face­book page. Watch the tuto­r­i­al {HERE} The rolled book pages were from a sep­a­rate tuto­r­i­al that can be viewed {HERE}

And yes, anoth­er DIY was used to bal­ance out this look. Watch the tuto­r­i­al for this adorable lit­tle ban­ner {HERE}

The hearth area of the man­tle always seems to intim­i­date me a bit, for rea­sons I don’t know. To be safe, I kept things sim­ple. I used a cute lit­tle bas­ket for tex­ture, filled it with stems and added my old rug beat­er which just so hap­pens to be in a very sim­i­lar shape of a heart! Seri­ous­ly, how perfect!

I fin­ished off the look with this lit­tle DIY pil­low, see tuto­r­i­al {HERE}

That’s it y’all. A man­tle made from signs and bits of decor I already had…mostly thrift­ed I might add. I did­n’t go out and spend a small for­tune on sup­plies either. I like to stick to an over­all theme when work­ing on my projects for this very rea­son right here. You just nev­er know, one day you may be able to bring your cre­ations togeth­er to cre­ate a com­plet­ly new look!


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Faye Darden says:

Love the sim­plic­i­ty of it all. Espe­cial­ly the bas­ket and rug beater!!!?

roostandrestore says:

That may be my favorite part too. Thank you! 

Robin Hamann says:

I love it all. Love the chair and watched you make the pil­low that’s in it. So sim­ple and love­ly. I have a rug beat­er, love your idea!

roostandrestore says:

I would love a col­lec­tion of rug beat­ers! I’m glad you enjoyed the pil­low! It was a lot of fun to make 

Jane H Lewis says:

Absolute­ly gor­geous!!! I love that you used vary­ing can­dle­sticks w/o can­dles!!! Wish I had a mantle.….LOVE your blog…

roostandrestore says:

Thank you! I like to use can­dle stocked every­where I can! 

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