You searched for christmas

Hand-Cut Rustic Christmas Wood Projects

It may been 100 and heck degrees out­side but we have been all out Christ­mas in July this week at the shoppe! It felt so good to get on the saws and let my cre­ativ­i­ty come to light. You all LOVED the kits so much I was able to part­ner up with a local Amish…

How to Freshen Up Christmas Garland

OK so we have all been faced with this dilem­ma at one time top anoth­er and we are left won­der­ing, how to fresh­en up Christ­mas gar­land. Well hon­ey that is why I’m here! I have found the sim­plest and sweet­est way to give that old tired gar­land a new and fes­tive look that will make…

Christmas Tree Makeover using SnoFlock

This week I had the plea­sure of team­ing up with Seasons Reflec­tions for a fun Christ­mas Tree Makeover using their advanced Snow Flock­ing pow­der! Not only is it super sim­ple to use but it can trans­form any Christ­mas tree in minutes! So I found this super cute tree at a local thrift store for only…

DIY Christmas Centerpiece from Thrifted Lamp Shade

Every year it seems like I am left scratch­ing my head try­ing to fig­ure out the per­fect Christ­mas cen­ter­piece for my din­ing table, cof­fee tables, sofa table…any table real­ly. But I believe I may have found some­thing unique, sim­ple and beau­ti­ful with this DIY Christ­mas centerpiece. It all start­ed with an old lampshade…yes you read…

European Farmhouse Christmas DIY

When I picked up this lit­tle $3 ceram­ic Christ­mas horse at a local thrift store last week, I knew right away I want­ed to try to recre­ate a beau­ti­ful Euro­pean Farm­house Christ­mas inspired piece! This dat­ed horse had great tex­ture and the details were per­fect for what I had in mind for trans­form­ing this lit­tle…

Textured Wood Block Christmas Tree Using Sand Paint

I recently have been loving this DIY sand paint recipe! Not only does it provided superior coverage but it also leaves behind a nice texture on most any surface.  Here is what you need! 3 scoops Plas­ter of Paris 2 scoops or small craft tube of paint 1 scoop of Sand wood block Christ­mas tree craft kit All you real­ly…

DIY Christmas Decor Using an Old Canvas

This week I kicked off with some Christ­mas craft­ing. Every Mon­day I go LIVE on Face­book to share a fun makeover idea and this week DIY Christ­mas decor is just what I need­ed to get the week started! I grabbed a can­vas for $1.99 at the local Good­will, removed the dat­ed can­vas image to reveal…

Rustic Eucalyptus Christmas Tree

Lis­ten, I know naked trees are trend­ing in farm­house decor right now, but I don’t know if I have the phys­i­cal strength NOT to put any­thing on a tree. That is how this cute lit­tle euca­lyp­tus Christ­mas tree came to be! I mean, when I start­ed styling this space I start­ed with two tiny, naked, trees…

Easy Christmas Centerpiece Using Pinecones and Sumac

This easy Christ­mas cen­ter­piece is quick, sim­ple and most importantly…FREE! Yep, you heard me, free. Put on your hik­ing shoes and go on a nature walk to look for these two nat­u­ral­ly beau­ti­ful ele­ments to bring togeth­er to make your own Christ­mas centerpiece.  Before you begin gath­er­ing, grab a dough bowl to bring your dis­play…

Rustic Christmas Scrap Wood Projects

There is some­thing so incred­i­bly fun about cre­at­ing with scraps. It can be the ulti­mate chal­lenge for your cre­ative side and it’s a great way to use your resources; espe­cial­ly after a home reno or project build. These rus­tic scrap wood Christ­mas projects are the per­fect exam­ples of the amaz­ing pieces you can cre­ate with…