How to Freshen Up Christmas Garland

OK so we have all been faced with this dilem­ma at one time top anoth­er and we are left won­der­ing, how to fresh­en up Christ­mas gar­land. Well hon­ey that is why I’m here! I have found the sim­plest and sweet­est way to give that old tired gar­land a new and fes­tive look that will make…

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Roost and Restore Celebrates at Featherstone Farm

Last week we had the amaz­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty to part­ner with a local mini farm here in West­ern Ken­tucky for a beau­ti­ful and unique cel­e­bra­tion. Here at Roost and Restore we were look­ing for a unique way to cel­e­brate us reach­ing a HUGE mile­stone of 100 thou­sand fol­low­ers on Facebook. A pri­vate pic­nic at Feath­er­Stone Farm…

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Roost and Restore Home: Let’s Go Pickin’!

Have you heard about The Home­goods Mar­ket? It’s my small home decor bou­tique that spe­cial­izes in small batch, hand­made items picked by me, Kaycee, and the Roost+Restore team. When I launched Roost+Restore to help folks dec­o­rate their homes with resource­ful DIY decor, I nev­er imag­ined that I would own an online home decor bou­tique and…

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