Roost and Restore Home: Let’s Go Pickin’!

Have you heard about The Home­goods Mar­ket? It’s my small home decor bou­tique that spe­cial­izes in small batch, hand­made items picked by me, Kaycee, and the Roost+Restore team. When I launched Roost+Restore to help folks dec­o­rate their homes with resource­ful DIY decor, I nev­er imag­ined that I would own an online home decor bou­tique and get to go trea­sure hunt­ing for a job! God is good, y’all!

This week, The Home­goods Mar­ket launched a col­lec­tion that is near and dear to my heart. Y’all know I pride myself on resource­ful home decor, and the Let’s Go Pickin’ Col­lec­tion fea­tures unique, one of a kind, antique pieces that have been hand­picked by the R+R Team.

The Home Good Market set up shop inside of old rustic barn. Hand Picked, Unique Items are displayed on weathered wood, mixed with antiques.

When I was new­ly mar­ried, we did­n’t have a lot of mon­ey, but I had access to a lot of wood, antiques, and a will­ing­ness to make my home cozy. Antiquing and going pickin’ allowed me to cus­tomize decor in my own home at a frac­tion of the cost. I loved find­ing pieces that had already lived a full life, weath­ered with sto­ries over the ages, but still had room to write new mem­o­ries in a new space. 

These days, the R+R team and I, can be found pil­ing into a car on the week­end, dri­ving the back­roads of Ken­tucky look­ing for rus­tic wood spin­dles, weath­ered buck­ets, or any oth­er antique item that we think would be a great addi­tion to a cof­fee table, curio cab­i­net, or even a DIY project.

The Home Goods Market Old ToolBox Restoration sitting on a bench styled with weathered rustic wood antiques hand picked by R+R

The oth­er week I found an old paint­ed wood tool­box at a garage sale that I knew I could restore into a beau­ti­ful piece. With a lit­tle DIY mag­ic and elbow grease, I was pleased as punch with the results! I even offered it up in the store for some­one to grab––and it went fast!

The Home­goods Mar­ket has a soft spot for all things “loved”. What that means is, that while we will have a sup­ply of new hand­made prod­ucts we source from small busi­ness­es across the coun­try, we will con­tin­u­al­ly be adding unique, hand picked items we find buried inside and out­side of barns to our store. 

Vis­it today and grab your own unique, hand picked decor to fit your home before it sells out. 

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Nicole says:

That sounds like so much fun!! What a great job you have, Kaylee. Lived tho wood­en tool­box. No won­der it went quickly ?

Nicole says:

Sor­ry… Kaycee… Autocorrect ?

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