Pallet Wood Church DIY Decor

I am obsessed with the rus­tic look of pal­let wood projects. And this Pal­let Wood Church is no excep­tion. The beau­ti­ful rus­tic feel of this com­plet­ed project makes it per­fect for year round decor. 

Craft kits like this pal­let wood church can be received each month in our Craft Wood Club subscription!

Pallet Wood Church Cut List

  • (1) 11^3/4″ x 2^3/4″ with 2 angles
  • (1) 9“x2^3/4″
  • (2) 9“x2^3/4″ with sin­gle angle 
pallet wood church diy

Other Supplies

  • Wood­stik Hot Glue
  • Glue Gun
  • Stain
  • Paint
  • Brush­es
  • Rag
  • Sand­pa­per
  • Burlap Rib­bon
  • Green­ery of choice
stained pallet wood church

I began by putting a nice dark coat of stain onto the pal­let boards. Late­ly I have been using Ear­ly Amer­i­can by Min­wax and I am lov­ing the rich­ness and beau­ty it can bring out in my projects. Pal­let wood has a ten­den­cy to sooooak up your stain so beware. I used quite a bit to cov­er this small area, but its so worth it for the end result.

drying stain on pallet wood

You can always be patient and allow your stain to set and dry on its own. But if you’re like me, we don’t have that kind of time .…or patience, am I right? 

Once dry, comes the fun part. Grab your paint, Wood­stik Glue, and Vaseline!

diy chippy paint technique

I assem­bled the pieces using the Wood­stik glue, which I for­got to pho­to­graph (mom brain) but I did catch the process in this video tuto­r­i­al you can watch HERE

diy chippy paint technique with vaseline

To cre­ate this beau­ti­ful chip­py look for your pal­let wood church, sim­ply dip your fin­ger in the jel­ly and smear it ran­dom­ly over the sur­face of the stained wood. The jel­ly cre­ates a bar­ri­er between the wood and your paint, not allow­ing it to stick on those areas.

Then I paint­ed over the entire sur­face (over the vase­line and all) with Plas­ter Chalk Paint by Waver­ly. Once the paint was dry all I did was wipe the sur­face with a rag. The areas where I had applied vase­line wiped away reveal­ing that dark beau­ti­ful stain underneath.

diy chippy paint finish on scrap woof church project

I attached the base using the same glue as before, which allowed the church to stand upright. Then, come the embell­ish­ments. Depend­ing on the style and col­ors you chose, your embell­ish­ments like rib­bon and green­ery may vary. 

Just do what makes you happy!

pallet wood diy church

Isn’t she beau­ti­ful? This pal­let church DIY reminds me of the old hymn, “The Lit­tle Brown Church in the Vale” If you have nev­er heard this I encour­age you look it up…more impor­tant­ly I hope you get your hands dirty and MAKE this project for yourself.

rustic pallet wood church

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1 comment

Lisa Hill-Oster says:

This is one of my favorite crafts you’ve done!

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