European Farmhouse Christmas DIY

When I picked up this lit­tle $3 ceram­ic Christ­mas horse at a local thrift store last week, I knew right away I want­ed to try to recre­ate a beau­ti­ful Euro­pean Farm­house Christ­mas inspired piece!

This dat­ed horse had great tex­ture and the details were per­fect for what I had in mind for trans­form­ing this lit­tle gem. With a price tag of only $3 I knew I need­ed to bring it back to the shoppe for a lit­tle makeover.

christmas makeover diy decor

My secret weapon...Rub N’ Buff!

This stuff is so pig­ment­ed and mag­i­cal when it comes to trans­form­ing some­thing basic like this lit­tle horse into some­thing super high end look­ing for your home. In this case, a base lay­er of black chalk paint and a light coat of this Antique Gold and I eas­i­ly made my own piece of beau­ti­ful Euro­pean Farm­house Christ­mas decor.

rub n buff antique gold makeover


I am absolute­ly obsessed with the out­come of this fun thrifty store makeover! These are the types of trans­for­ma­tion that have me addict­ed to resource­ful home decorating. 

rub n buff gold horse inspired by european farmhouse style

I styled it with a love­ly dark red plaid Christ­mas sign, along with a grey wood bead gar­land for the per­fect fin­ish­ing touch to this beau­ti­ful vignette grouping.

Antique gold Christmas decor
antique gold christmas decor

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