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Cute Bud Vase Using A Thrift Store Frame

Hey y’all! It’s me again with anoth­er great thrift store makeover idea! These are my absolute favorite kind of craft projects. Whether you’re a sea­soned crafter or just get­ting start­ed with your new hob­by or maybe you just like to make some­thing every once in a while. Either way, start­ing with a pic­ture frame is…

Thrift Store Flip: Mini Screen Door

Here at Roost and Restore I love to show peo­ple how they can dec­o­rate their homes resource­ful­ly. A lot of the times that means tak­ing some­thing from a thrift store and giv­ing it a fresh makeover so it will fit your own per­son­al style. This thrift store flip is no exception! You just might be…

Thrift Store DIY Coffee Table Tray

If you know me at all, then you know by now, just how much I love sup­port­ing my local thrift stores! Inn fact, I have a whole col­lec­tion of thrift store DIY decor ideas right here on the blog. When I found this old sign I knew imme­di­ate­ly that I could turn it into some­thing…

Easy Tart Pan Makeover from the Thrift Store

Every week I try to take some time to myself and do a lit­tle bit of craft­ing and DIY’ing. This week I decid­ed to share this adorable tart pan makeover. Not only was the process was incred­i­bly sim­ple but also incred­i­bly affordable.  It all began with a quick trip to the thrift store last week.…

Thrift Store Decor Finds: Taking a “You” Day

Yes­ter­day, I took some­what of a “per­son­al” day and decid­ed to step away from the com­put­er and go on a hunt for thrift store decor. Brows­ing the isles and search­ing for mis­placed trea­sures is seri­ous­ly one of my very favorite ways to pass time. That’s the thing about thrift­ing, or just stop­ping in on a…

Thrift Store Makeover: Glass Jack O’ Lantern

So every Mon­day for the last sev­er­al months I have been shar­ing a week­ly Live Face­book seg­ment called “Makeover Mon­day” Where I share a week­ly thrift store makeover that peo­ple will love using in their home. From vas­es, to chairs and old dress­ers, there are soooo many ideas for thrift flips that will knock you…

Thrift Store Curtain Rod Wall Hanging

Y’all would­n’t believe that this beau­ti­ful piece start­ed out as a 50 cent thrift store cur­tain rod. The beau­ti­ful finials on the ends are what caught my atten­tion as I round­ed the cor­ner, and I quite pos­si­ble heard angels singing in the back­ground. Ok, maybe I’m being just a tad bit dra­mat­ic but you get…

DIY Spring Thrift Store Picture Frame

I am always scout­ing out old frames at the thrift store. There was­n’t any­thing spe­cial about this thrift store pic­ture frame until I gave it a sim­ple lit­tle makeover for Spring. I love vin­tage Spring decor and this lit­tle DIY was the per­fect addi­tion to the oth­er pieces in my home. With a few basic sup­plies…

Thrifted Bookend Makeover with Quikrete

A cou­ple weeks ago I grabbed these hefty book­ends at a yard sale for $3. Real­ly the whole day of hunt­ing was a bust but find­ing these beau­ties turned the day around! That real­ly is the joy in thrift­ing and hunt­ing for those unique items. I hope this thrift­ed book­end makeover will inspire you on…

DIY Christmas Centerpiece from Thrifted Lamp Shade

Every year it seems like I am left scratch­ing my head try­ing to fig­ure out the per­fect Christ­mas cen­ter­piece for my din­ing table, cof­fee tables, sofa table…any table real­ly. But I believe I may have found some­thing unique, sim­ple and beau­ti­ful with this DIY Christ­mas centerpiece. It all start­ed with an old lampshade…yes you read…