Cute Bud Vase Using A Thrift Store Frame

Hey y’all! It’s me again with anoth­er great thrift store makeover idea! These are my absolute favorite kind of craft projects. Whether you’re a sea­soned crafter or just get­ting start­ed with your new hob­by or maybe you just like to make some­thing every once in a while. Either way, start­ing with a pic­ture frame is a sure way to get your­self a con­fi­dence boost in the cre­ative arena.

Here are the supplies you will need to recreate your own thrift store frame makeover. 

I will link over to my fave craft­ing sup­plies on Amazon.

Time need­ed: 20 min­utes

  1. Paint the Frame

    Begin by paint­ing your pic­ture frame to suit your own per­son­al taste. I used Min­er­al by Waver­ly, which can be found at Wal­mart. I loved the neu­tral­i­ty of the grey and how it brought out all the pret­ty details of the frame.

  2. Prep the Back­ground

    This is where the pop­si­cle sticks come in to play. I fig­ured out how many I need­ed to fill my 5x7 pho­to space, paint­ed them white (I think they resem­ble shiplap) and glued them to the back of the frame.

  3. Attach Salt Shak­er

    In this step you’re sim­ply going to attach your shak­er or small bot­tle with a com­bi­na­tion of hot glue and e6000. This is a mag­i­cal blend of adhe­sives that tru­ly would last longer than the frame itself., how­ev­er it beats bro­ken glass so I think it is nec­es­sary in this case.

  4. “Plant”

    I plat­ed my faux suc­cu­lent in some Span­ish moss from the Dol­lar Tree but now I’m think­ing this would make a great bud vase with a tiny bit of water.

It’s lit­er­al­ly that easy! With a few basic sup­plies and 4 easy steps you have a func­tion­al and oh-so-cute bud vase from a thrift store frame!

succulent diy with thrifted picture frame


Then you will LOVE the R+R DIY Decor Box! Get amaz­ing home decor projects + sup­plies shipped to your door each month!

frame makeover from thrift store
succulent frame makeover


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