DIY Christmas Centerpiece from Thrifted Lamp Shade

Every year it seems like I am left scratch­ing my head try­ing to fig­ure out the per­fect Christ­mas cen­ter­piece for my din­ing table, cof­fee tables, sofa table…any table real­ly. But I believe I may have found some­thing unique, sim­ple and beau­ti­ful with this DIY Christ­mas centerpiece.

It all start­ed with an old lampshade…yes you read that cor­rect­ly, A lamp shade. 

It was old.



But I changed all that just by sim­ply strip­ping it down with a box cut­ting knife and styling it with a few beau­ti­ful items from Roost and Restore Home.

This is what the shade looked like after I stripped it. I loved the shape, which is what drew me to it in the first place.

thrifted lamp shade

Next up, came the styling. First I gave this DIY Christ­mas cen­ter­piece some added height, sim­ply by plac­ing it on a tray in the cen­ter of the table.

Then, I added some sim­ple gar­land cir­cled around the base of the shade and tray and a few pil­lar candles.

I added some antlers for styling and min­gling in with the gar­land. I love how un expect­ed these pieces are yet look at how love­ly they come togeth­er to great a rus­tic, glam type look for this table.

I paired this DIY Christ­mas cen­ter­piece with rat­tan place­mats, hand­made pot­tery and vin­tage crys­tal pieces for a com­plete­ly unique and beau­ti­ful look this Christmas!

These old glass decanters get me every time. Some­thing about the etch­ing and design in the glass give them a classy Christmas‑y vibe.

How about these antlers? Would you use antler as part of your tablescape?

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1 comment

Beverley Hovath says:

I love what you did to your table but I would take the bot­tles away.It to much on the table
But them on a server
They would look much better.

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