Thrift Store Decor Finds: Taking a “You” Day

Yes­ter­day, I took some­what of a “per­son­al” day and decid­ed to step away from the com­put­er and go on a hunt for thrift store decor. Brows­ing the isles and search­ing for mis­placed trea­sures is seri­ous­ly one of my very favorite ways to pass time. That’s the thing about thrift­ing, or just stop­ping in on a whim. Some­times you win big and oth­er times you walk away emp­ty handed. 

But either way, there was the hunt.

And the truth is, some­times you just need to take a per­son­al day and lose your­self doing some­thing you love, because you love it. And not for any oth­er rea­son. And that’s exact­ly what I did. 

Between the respon­si­bil­i­ties of being a mama to Lin­coln and Ledger, a sup­port­ive wife and remod­el­ing the new brick and mor­tar loca­tion of Roost and Restore Home, some­times I for­get to sim­ply take time for me. I believe this can tru­ly hap­pen to all of us. We some­times get so caught up in the hus­tle that we for­get the love of what it is that start­ed it all in the first place.

For me, that’s not only scout­ing out thrift store finds but actu­al­ly dec­o­rat­ing my home with those finds! Y’all I LOVE to dec­o­rate. Peri­od. I can remem­ber my love for dec­o­rat­ing as young as the age of 9 when my mom and aunt sur­prised me by paint­ing a thrift­ed bed and match­ing hutch for my groovy lime green room. I knew the mon­ey was­n’t there but my mom and aunt showed me right then and there that some­times all you need is a paint­brush and a lit­tle bit of inge­nu­ity to cre­ate some­thing beau­ti­ful with a thrift store find. 

One man’s trash is anoth­er man’s treasure. 

Lit­er­al­ly the slo­gan of every thrift store on the planet.…right?

So this is my trash. Trash that I cer­tain­ly view as a trea­sure that I can not wait to use for decor!

I scored soft teal chair for only $15! It was tucked behind some stools that caught my atten­tion but when I saw this, it stole the show!. Ini­tial­ly I thought I would use it for resale in my shoppe but I test­ed it out at my craft­ing table and I am not con­vinced that I will be giv­ing it up any time soon.

This thrifty find is real­ly two finds. An old tart pan and a pie cov­er. I paired them up for a cute pie (or cake) keep­er! I have big plans to give this a lit­tle bit of a facelift in the near future so stay tuned!

I have always found myself grav­i­tat­ing toward milk glass but only recent­ly did I dis­cov­er my love for vin­tage crys­tal on old glass­ware. I found not one, not two, but THREE vin­tage decanters in amaz­ing con­di­tion from this quick thrift store trip. Although my plans for them are not nailed down just yet, I am either going to use them in var­i­ous group­ings or scat­tered along a Christ­mas tablescape. I am cer­tain their curves and etch­ing will allow the glow of Christ­mas lights to sparkle off of them!

And I think you and I both know why I could­n’t leave this lit­tle teapot behind. She is white, sim­ple and clas­si­cal­ly beau­ti­ful that would look amaz­ing on an open kitchen shelf or din­ing table.

I did find a match­ing pair of brass lamps, a sim­ple tray, a wick­er bas­ket and a mini cement planter on this trip as well. All in all, I con­sid­er this a very suc­cess­ful trip! 

What do you think? 

If you love mak­ing your own decor then you will love our month­ly DIY Decor Box!

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