Makeover Monday : French Farmhouse DIY Urn

I feel like I have been on a roll at the thrift store late­ly. This thrift store urn caught my atten­tion right away with its French Farm­house DIY vibes. I paid a whop­ping 25 cents for this lit­tle piece with BIG poten­tial among some oth­er great thrifty decor finds from that day!

The next time you’re out thrift­ing or maybe you find your­self pump­ing the breaks for a yard sale, keep this lit­tle urn in mind. This is one of those pieces with “good bones.” The shape, the texture…all the things are right but it just needs a lii­i­i­itle some­thing. That’s where this makeover comes in.

Here she is. Cute.…but lack­ing. And if you know any­thing about thrift­ing, the first rule is always this. A lit­tle paint goes a looooong way. I used a col­or by Rus­toleum called French Beige for this project and there was plen­ty left­over for future French Farm­house DIYS 

thrifted mini urn

Here is the paint I used. I grabbed it up from Lowe’s but I’m sure it can be found any­where that car­ried the Rus­toleum brand. The col­or is soft and per­fect for oth­er French farm­house DIY ideas.

This makeover just required a lit­tle paint and a repur­posed euca­lyp­tus gar­land. If you’re start­ing from scratch, I high­ly rec­om­mend some flo­ral foam to com­plete this look.


This is the final result of a lit­tle bit of paint and a recy­cled gar­land. Sim­ple, ele­gant, and French inspired. It is a wel­come change from my clas­sic rus­tic look in my home and I am enjoy­ing it styled on my cof­fee table, paired with old books and a candle.

silver dollar eucalyptus and concrete urn thrift store flip
thrifted urn with silver dollar eucalyptus
rustci farmhouse living room with thrift store decor finds
antique candle company fall candle with thrifted urn

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