10 Dried Flower DIY Ideas

Dried flower DIY’s are all over Pin­ter­est! It makes com­plete sense because those blooms are just way too pret­ty to watch wilt then toss! I have a few beau­ti­ful and hope­ful­ly inspi­ra­tional ways you can res­cue those pret­ty botan­i­cals to keep in your home for a bit longer! Each of these dried flower DIY ideas can be mod­i­fied with most any type of foliage, includ­ing fresh herbs or even branch­es or vines!

Wall Hanging

I love how sim­ple this project is to recre­ate. A stur­dy branch and some jute twine is all you will need to make this dried flo­ral wall hang­ing. How love­ly would this be to use in your kitchen as a herb dry­ing rack that dou­bles as decor! I made a wood bead wall hang­ing that I think would be a great mod­i­fi­ca­tion for this project if you don’t have access to a branch. 

Church Window Pressed Display

I made this church win­dow dis­play for a friend a few years back as a way to pre­serve her dad­dy’s memo­r­i­al flow­ers. This is one of the more com­plete DIYs requir­ing cus­tom cut glass and backer­board but it is worth men­tion­ing here in the line up. Don’t rule out cus­tom pieces like this one when the idea blos­soms. Search local­ly for glass cut­ting ser­vices to help bring your idea to life.

Weaved Wreath

I love this sim­ple spin on a wreath. These wreath rings pro­vide a per­fect base for a min­i­mal project like this one. This tuto­r­i­al will show you how to eas­i­ly lift the strings of jute to make the cutest lit­tle pock­ets to hold your dried flow­ers. So cute and so unique!

Ombre Wall

This sim­ple ombre wall just makes per­fect sense. I love the grad­ual shift in col­or and it’s a sure fire way to make a state­ment in a room or even as a pho­to back­drop! Paired with twin­kle lights This would be a great way to add a touch of romance to an event or pho­to booth!

Wildflower Wreath

This dried wild­flower wreath would look amaz­ing for fall! Even now, in the mid­dle of the sum­mer I am see­ing beau­ti­ful­ly col­ored botan­i­cals for fall. Snip them now and hang them to dry for fall crafting! 

Pressed Frame

One of the sim­plest and quick­est ways to pre­serve and dis­play flo­rals is by press­ing them between two pieces of glass like you see in these frames. The sim­ple gold rim adds a touch of charm while let­ting the flow­ers them­selves do the talking.

Dried Bloom Garland

The sim­plest of gar­lands can be made with jute string and the blooms from your dried botan­i­cals. You could eas­i­ly cre­at this look using fresh flow­ers and allow them to dry as they hang.

Flower Monogram

This is the next DIY on my list! I adore how sweet this flower mono­gram looks! A sim­ple out­line or cutout of your mono­gram would be the per­fect way to plan out your flow­ers before apply­ing them to your surface!

Petal Garland

This petal gar­land looks as sim­ple as pop­corn gar­land at Christ­mas! Grab a nee­dle and thread to begin your own sweet lit­tle gar­land to use for mul­ti­ple occasions.

Resin Coasters

This is a love­ly way to not only pre­serve your flo­rals but have them on dis­play for your guests. I imag­ine these coast­ers being per­fect even as Christ­mas orna­ments or gift tags! 

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