Garden Trellis Makeover

I picked up this gar­den trel­lis from Lowe’s back in the Spring and have been con­tem­plat­ing what to do with it. Of course it would be cute with a climb­ing plant on a porch but I decid­ed to give it a fun makeover for Fall. I think you will love this idea for a gar­den trel­lis makeover you can use in your decor.

Garden Trellis Makeover Supply List

  • Mini Gar­den Trellis
  • Jig­saw
  • Mea­sur­ing Tape
  • Paint
  • Tea Tow­el or Fabric
  • Mini wood Pal­lets from Dol­lar Tree
  • Paint and brushes
  • Green­ery
  • Paint Chips
  • Wood let­ters
  • Hot glue + gun
  • Jute Twine

Begin by mea­sur­ing and trim­ming the long end of the trel­lis to match the short end. I used a jig­saw to cut them quickly.

I added a quick coat of white paint to the trel­lis and these cute mini pal­lets I found at my local Dol­lar Tree.

I used a cute Fall col­or tea tow­el as a back­ground to this trel­lis makeover. I sim­ply mea­sured to size, cut and sta­pled the tea tow­el to the back of the trel­lis. Once that was secure, I attached the mini pal­lets to the front to cre­ate a faux fence.

To fin­ish off this gar­den trel­lis makeover, I tucked some cute green­ery clips behind the fence and craft­ed a sim­ple ban­ner with paint chips, mini wood let­ters and jute twine.

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