Easy Pom Pom Throw Blanket DIY

This mon­th’s DIY Decor Box boast­ed this super fun and easy pom pom throw blan­ket DIY. Each of our sub­scribers received every­thing they need­ed in their box to be able to craft their own unique throw blan­ket for their home. You can see a full descrip­tion of the con­tents of the JULY DIY Decor Box (Here)

Begin your pom pom throw using a pom pom mak­er and wrap it around 100 times for a nice thick pom. The beau­ty of it is you can decid­ed how thick or how small you want to cre­ate your poms to be. For this par­tic­u­lar blan­ket I am mak­ing 7 jum­bo poms for the two short ends of the blanket.

Once you’ve reached your desired thick­ness, tie it in the cen­ter with an addi­tion­al piece of yarn and slide it off the end of the pom pom maker.

Cut the loops and fluff the pom. Trim to length if needed.

For deter­min­ing place­ment of my poms I used a fold­ing method. Using Sure­bon­der fab­ric glue, I placed at pom on each cor­ner of the short end of the throw. Then I fold­ed it in half and placed a third pom in the cen­ter of the two. I even­ly spaced the oth­er 4 poms in the neg­a­tive space between the cen­ter pom and the ones on the cor­ners. I used 7 poms for each short end of the blanket.

Repeat this step for the oth­er end of your throw blan­ket for a total of 14 jum­bo poms.

These easy pom pom throw blan­kets are best kept hand­washed in cold water and hung to dry. A dab of hot glue in the cen­ter of the pom will help keep the poms taught and look­ing full. Drape your blan­ket over a dec­o­ra­tive chair in the cor­ner, across a blan­ket lad­der, draped from a bas­ket or fold­ed in a cab­i­net. Either way you decid­ed to dis­play it, it will add an instant cozy vibe to any nook in your home!

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1 comment

Christine avina says:

You are such a sweet lady love your lives I hope to vis­it your store one day I’m from dun­nel­lon Florida.

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