Simple Craft Wood Pumpkin

This lit­tle craft wood pump­kin is my first pump­kin project of the sea­son and I promise it won’t be the last. I am lov­ing this super cute wood piece from the Craft Wood Club. I made this super cute DIY Ris­er using this same shape. I love how ver­sa­tile these wood pieces can be. 

I start­ed this craft wood pump­kin by adding lit­tle half sphere beads to the perime­ter of my craft wood piece. I am work­ing on a tem­plate for this shape. These sea­son­al shapes are per­fect for exer­cis­ing this cre­ative brain of mine. If you’re any­thing like me I am always look­ing at things from a dif­fer­ent angle. If you’re cre­ative like me, you’re gonna want to check out our brand new CRAFT WOOD CLUB (HERE).

Just like with any oth­er craft wood project I love adding a touch of char­ac­ter with a good antique wax. Using a sim­ple appli­ca­tion tech­nique by blend­ing with a moist wipe will help keep your wax work­able on the sur­face of your project. I love the blend­ing it cre­ates when it’s worked into a paint­ed surface. 

distressing a scrap wood pumpkin

No pump­kin is com­plete with­out a cute lit­tle stem. I pre­fer these lit­tle stick pieces from Dol­lar Tree but don’t let that lim­it your imag­i­na­tion. Spin­dles, finial, pre­serves stems would all made great alter­na­tives for this part of your craft wood pump­kin project.

scrap wood pumpkin

Anoth­er lit­tle tip I like to use when craft­ing is using jen­ga blocks as stands. Most of the wood in our Craft Wood Club is thick enough to stand on its own but due to the nature of this par­tic­u­lar shape, these lit­tle makeshift stands were necessary. 

dollar tree jenga blocks on a scrap wood pumpkin

Look at how pre­cious this lit­tle craft wood pump­kin looks with all the fin­ish­ing details! A cou­ple pieces of green­ery and a sim­ple raf­fia bow is all that was need­ed to bring this lit­tle gem to completion. 

wood bead pumpkin diy

This lit­tle project reminds me of the chil­dren’s book “Spook­ly the Square Pump­kin” I love it for my own decor but I can total­ly see it used in a class­room as a visu­al for lit­tles while read­ing the book! Again the pos­si­bil­i­ties are tru­ly end­less! I you are inspired by this dar­ling lit­tle project. 

craft wood pumpkin diy

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