You searched for patriotic decor

Rustic Patriotic DIY Decor

I had so much fun curat­ing this Rus­tic Patri­ot­ic DIY Decor with my friends over on Face­book. Lov­ing on these ladies through online fel­low­ship and craft­ing is one of the many bless­ing of hav­ing a DIY and dec­o­rat­ing busi­ness. I shared my per­son­al spin on each of 3 hand cut wood craft kits to inspire…

Patriotic Wood Block Decor

There is noth­ing much more prim­i­tive than chunky wood block decor. I have always been drawn to the prim­itve patri­ot­ic look. Not only are they cute but these blocks are about as easy as it gets. Sup­plies 2x4 blocks cut as fol­lows (7″, 5″, 5″, 4″, 3.5″) PURCHASE PRECUT SET HERE stain book pages or craft paper  mod…

10 Vintage July 4th Decor Ideas

I have gath­ered a col­lec­tion of some beau­ti­ful Vin­tage July 4th decor ideas and DIYs for your inspi­ra­tion this hol­i­day. is such a nos­tal­gia that comes with Inde­pen­dence Day. Each and every year the cel­e­bra­tions, and the decor around town and around the house have me reliv­ing mem­o­ries from my child­hood. I real­ly feel like…

No Sew Patriotic Pillow from A Dollar Tree Chair Cover

I am con­tin­u­al­ly look­ing for rea­sons to vis­it the Dol­lar Tree…well who am I kid­ding I don’t need a rea­son. But yes­ter­day I just had the urge to craft and cre­ate some­thing. Do you know the feel­ing? I walked in to the store with a plan to find sup­plies to cre­ate a wreath and came out…

How to Make an Easy Patriotic Banner with Ribbon

I am excit­ed to share with you just how easy and beau­ti­ful this patri­ot­ic door hang­er can be with just a lit­tle wood plank and ribbon!  For me, patri­ot­ic decor around the home­stead always seems to be lack­ing. Sum­mer hol­i­days always seem to sneak up on me and I find myself scram­bling around last minute…

How to Make Decorative Wood Blocks

Mak­ing dec­o­ra­tive wood blocks lit­er­al­ly the per­fect project for DIY begin­ners, or maybe you’re just learn­ing how to use a miter saw. If so, con­grats! I am excit­ed about all the things you can make, includ­ing these dec­o­ra­tive wood blocks. What you will need: 2x4 piece of wood, length depends on how many let­ters you need Miter…

Easy 4th of July Decor

Sup­plies An assort­ment of small branches  White Spray Paint of your choice Col­or­ful wood beads Wood Craft Stars Wood Stain of your choice  Hot Glue Gun Last night we had some CRAY‑Z storms roll through, knock­ing down trees and blow­ing limbs and leaves every-stinkin-where. Inspi­ra­tion came for this project as I stood gaz­ing out my win­dow dread­ing the…

DIY Memorial Day Luminary

I can not be more pleased with the out­come behind this sim­ple Memo­r­i­al Day lumi­nary. Not only is it upcy­cled but I was able to use a crack­le prod­uct by Valspar that I had been excit­ed to try!. Grab your­self an old jar and a can­dle and come make one of these beau­ti­ful lumi­nar­ies for…

4x4 Scrap Wood Firecracker Ideas

Have you seen all these adorable 4x4 Scrap Wood Fire­crack­er ideas cir­cu­lat­ing on Pin­ter­est? Me too! Along with about a mil­lion oth­er scrap wood block projects for your home. These lit­tle things are just so darn cute to add to your July 4th décor or oth­er patri­ot­ic holidays.  I have gath­ered a few of my…