Decor Decor + Styling DIY Projects

Rustic Patriotic DIY Decor

Kaycee Geeding 

I had so much fun curat­ing this Rus­tic Patri­ot­ic DIY Decor with my friends over on Face­book. Lov­ing on these ladies through online fel­low­ship and craft­ing is one of the many bless­ing of hav­ing a DIY and dec­o­rat­ing busi­ness. I shared my per­son­al spin on each of 3 hand cut wood craft kits to inspire women to be con­fi­dent in their own craft­ing skills. We exist because of our love to bring wood projects that oth­er­wise would have been unat­tain­able into the hands of women who want to cre­ate some­thing beau­ti­ful for their homes! 

This is a recap of the projects, a list of paint col­ors as well as the final reveal of each project in their fin­ished form! 

Paint Colors I Used

  • Antique Wax (Waver­ly)
  • Antique Parch­ment (Apple Barrel)
  • Agave (Waver­ly)
  • Crim­son (Waver­ly)
  • Navy Blue (Pop of Color)
  • Sum­mer Sky (Apple Barrel)

Quilt Block

It seems like every year around this time I am drawn to the nos­tal­gia of the sea­son. I launched this col­lec­tion of DIY Kits as a cel­e­bra­tion of the All-Amer­i­can Sum­mer. I imag­ined warm nights on Grand­ma’s porch lis­ten­ing to crick­ets chirp­ing from the flower beds after a long day on the farm. THAT is the feel­ing I want­ed to cre­ate from these projects. A reminder of sim­pler times in the coun­try hills of Amer­i­ca dot­ted with barns in the hori­zon and tobac­co fields stretch­ing as far as the eye could see. 

Watering Can

I was com­mit­ted to cap­tur­ing the vin­tage feel through lay­er­ing stain and paint on this project. Scoop­ing up a water­ing can and walk­ing bare­foot through the gar­den rows is one of my favorite ways to wind down in the evenings and a fond mem­o­ry from my child­hood sum­mers. This projects real­ly is a reminder of how impor­tant it is to slow down and enjoy the sim­ple things in life. 

Wood Tag Banner

This ban­ner was so much fun to make! I brought the col­ors of all the oth­er Patri­ot­ic DIY decor projects togeth­er to give the entire kits a beau­ti­ful cohe­sive look! Styling is made easy with this cute kit, hang it on a wall, or on your mantle!

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Kaycee Geeding