“Patriotic Cottage” Craft Kit Collection

I am so so excit­ed to be bring­ing craft kits back to the farm! We offered projects a cou­ple years back when we were just get­ting start­ed, and some­how drift­ed away from offer­ing them. Now that we have moved our busi­ness back to the farm, it only seemed fit­ting that we bring back one of our favorite things that got us start­ed in the first place…CRAFTING!!! This time with a twist. Each of our projects from the craft kit col­lec­tion are curat­ed around a cen­tral theme, mak­ing them easy to craft and style togeth­er in your home!

Let me intro­duce you to the “Patri­ot­ic Cot­tage” Craft Kits! A col­lec­tion inspired by sim­ple coun­try liv­ing and a sum­mer­time! Each of our col­lec­tions will fea­ture three ready-to-craft wood projects, hand cut and curat­ed on the farm! 

Wood Tag Banner

This hand cut lit­tle beau­ty is the per­fect project for begin­ners or even the most sea­soned of crafters. It comes with nine indi­vid­ual ban­ners ready for your own per­son­al touch of paint and/or stain! The large wood flag mea­sures 5.5” x 7” and the small wood flag mea­sures 4” x 4”. Cut on a thin ply­wood for easy hang­ing. Per­fect to paint, stain, and hang with the pre-drilled holes.

Framed Quilt Block

We could­n’t not includ­ed a quilt block in our first release from the farm! This lit­tle project will be the per­fect addi­tion to any coun­try farm­house! This is a 6‑piece unfin­ished kit that comes with a 12” x 12” unfin­ished assem­bled wood frame and five 4” x 4” unfin­ished wood blocks. The blocks come unat­tached from the frame. They are easy to tape off and paint your very own quilt pattern.

Chunky Watering Can

This water­ing can kit is prob­a­bly my favorite from the entire col­lec­tion! This is a 4‑piece unfin­ished kit. Comes dis­as­sem­bled with the base of the can, a han­dle, a spout, and a star cutout. Per­fect to stain, paint, and craft into an Amer­i­cana shelf-sit­ter. Mea­sures 12” tall and approx­i­mate­ly 19” across from spout to handle

I hope you are as excit­ed about these projects as we were cre­at­ing them! We are proud to be able to pro­vide these kits to you, our amaz­ing friends, who love to cre­ate some­thing beau­ti­ful along­side us! Too many times I have been left scratch­ing my head look­ing for ways to bring my DIY visions to life and I hope these kits can do just that! If you would like to shop these kits or any of our oth­er amaz­ing items from the shoppe you can vis­it www.roostandrestorehome.com

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1 comment

[…] of hav­ing a DIY and dec­o­rat­ing busi­ness. I shared my per­son­al spin on each of 3 hand cut wood craft kits to inspire women to be con­fi­dent in their own craft­ing skills. We exist because of our love to […]

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