Style a Wood Planter Box 3 Different Ways

Last month I was able to send a Wood Planter Box as the month­ly DIY Decor Project to sub­scribers all across the coun­try! Each box is packed with every­thing need­ed to make some­thing beau­ti­ful for your home includ­ing what you need to try a new fin­ish­ing tech­nique and tips for styling. You can see a full descrip­tion and exam­ple of what we includ­ed in the April DIY Decor Box HERE. I am hon­ored to be able to share these fun and beau­ti­ful projects as a way to encour­age women and help them gain con­fi­dence in dec­o­rat­ing their homes.

In April we craft­ed and dis­tressed the cutest Wood Planter Box and I have been eager to share a few addi­tion­al inspi­ra­tional ideas for styling it. Whether you’re a sub­scriber or just look­ing for inspi­ra­tion I think you will find these ideas use­ful for your own styling! All of our projects are cus­tomiz­able and ver­sa­tile for many spaces around the home! 

1. Porch Planter

Use this cute wood planter box on the porch styled with your favorite sea­son­al flow­ers. We have an assort­ment of green­ery avail­able in the shoppe to chose from or even plant your favorite shade-lov­ing peren­ni­als as a warm wel­come for your guests! 

2. Half Sphere

One of the eas­i­est ways to fill an emp­ty space or add a touch of life to your spaces is with a good qual­i­ty half sphere. Half spheres are exact­ly what they sound like. It’s a piece of green­ery that is round­ed on one side while the oth­er lays flat. It can eas­i­ly be tucked into box­es, laid on trays or rest­ed on top of vas­es for instant filler!

3. Vintage Books

If you have been around here at Roost and Restore for any length of time then you already know how much I love to use old books for home styling. I have an entire list of some of my favorite ways to style old books around the home and this is one of my new faves! Grab an old book, pair it with some cas­cad­ing green­ery and whala! 

Styling some­thing as sim­ple as a wood planter box does­n’t have to be com­pli­cat­ed. Don’t over­think it. Look around you, I am will­ing to bet you like­ly have some­thing with­in arms reach that can be used in your own decor project!


Then you will LOVE the R+R DIY Decor Box! Get amaz­ing home decor projects + sup­plies shipped to your door each month!

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