Cute and Simple Patriotic Decor

Lis­ten, I have always want­ed to be that wife that dec­o­rates for the 4th of July but it nev­er seems to be in our bud­get this time of year. I have decid­ed that noth­ing is going to stop me this year! I have col­lect­ed some ideas from my hunt that were just too stinkin’ cute not to share with y’all! Oth­er than Christ­mas, I like to keep my hol­i­day decor to a min­i­mum and I think these ideas will give me just enough col­or to my home for the sum­mer hol­i­days com­ing up!

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Lindsey says:

Thank you! I love that print­able!! All of these ideas are so super cute! I’m actu­al­ly excit­ed to add col­or to my home as well! I think the DIYs are awe­some and very afford­able cute­ness! Thanks for shar­ing! You rock sweet girl!! ♥️???

roostandrestore says:

You got it! I’d love to see your projects!

Thanks for much for fea­tur­ing Craft­Cuts in your arti­cle! We are flattered.

roostandrestore says:

I love your site! 

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