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Simple Wood Block Houses

I am see­ing these adorable ceram­ic nest­ing hous­es all over the place. Not only do they make adorable addi­tions to your Christ­mas decor, they are also great piences to have sit­ting out year round. My favorite part you may ask? The sim­plic­i­ty, of course. I like to keep things neu­tral over here at R+R and…

Cozy Neutral Winter Mantles

Oh my good­ness, I jut absolute­ly LOVE a beau­ti­ful­ly styled man­tle. They are eas­i­ly the focal point of an entire room and deserve to be the cen­ter of atten­tion! Up until just recent­ly (when we closed on our new home) I have not had a man­tle to play with and dec­o­rate. I have spent sooo…

Easy Christmas Candle Display

I am elbows deep in pack­ing box­es and clean­ing out soooo much clut­ter before we move. That is how I dis­cov­ered the peices for this lit­tle gem. I was in my “office” which has real­ly just become a stor­age area forall of my sup­plies and projects when I came across these can­dles, and an old…

$3 Nativity Makeover

I have been search­ing for the per­fect nativ­i­ty scene to add to my Christ­mas decor for a few years now. Though they are beau­ti­ful, I nev­er could bring myself to spend so much mon­ey on a set. Luck­i­ly, in most most recent trip to one of my favorite pickin’ spots, I came across this lit­tle…

10 Easy DIY Neutral Christmas Ornaments

Oh hel­lo end of Octo­ber. It’s been nice knowin ya! Is any­one else feel­in this way? I was so eager for Octo­ber to arrive and now, as we near the end it seems like it has been for­ev­er long? Maybe because I spend about half the month chomp­ing at the bit to get start­ed on…

DIY Jumbo Christmas Ornament from an Old Frame

Y’all.… in case you did­n’t already know, I am in full blown Christ­mas mode over here! No I am not dec­o­rat­ing yet but I sure am doing my best to prep and cre­ate decor for my tran­si­tion from tra­di­tion­al reds and greens to a more neu­tral palette.  Chang­ing col­or schemes can be dif­fi­cult and those…

How to Make a Rustic Embroidery Hoop Wreath

This DIY embroi­dery hoop wreath is the per­fect addi­tion to your rus­tic Christ­mas decor. This project start­ed much like the oth­ers, with a trip to the thrift store! Which if you know me, is my absolute favorite place to shop for sup­plies. I always keep my eye open for wood hoops, wood uten­sils and any…

Thrifted DIY Snow Scene Christmas Cloche

I am up bright and ear­ly on this chilly Octo­ber morn­ing sip­ping my cof­fee in my fuzzy socks and dream­ing of all the beau­ti­ful Christ­mas things. The lights, the orna­ments, the trees, the gifts. Every lit­tle thing about Christ­mas makes me so gid­dy. Typ­i­cal­ly I am a Hal­loween gal, and believe me when I say…

Budget Friendly DIY Projects to Spruce Up Your Thanksgiving Table

Grow­ing up, Thanks­giv­ing meals were always held at my Grannie’s farm­house here in West­ern Ken­tucky. Most of our fam­i­ly lived with­in a 5 mile radius and we all piled in the mod­est, wood-pan­eled, den and kitchen area. There were so many cousins, aunts and uncles we were quite lit­er­al­ly piled on top of each oth­er.…