Easy Christmas Candle Display

I am elbows deep in pack­ing box­es and clean­ing out soooo much clut­ter before we move. That is how I dis­cov­ered the peices for this lit­tle gem. I was in my “office” which has real­ly just become a stor­age area forall of my sup­plies and projects when I came across these can­dles, and an old bro­ken tray. They were not stored togeth­er and, in fact, sep­a­rate­ly, they all looked pret­ty sad. With me being in clean-out mode they were tossed mind­less­ly into the donate box. 

Yep, this project almost did­n’t even hap­pen. It was­n’t until I was load­ing things into the car that a cou­ple if the can­dles man­aged to fall out of the (over­flow­ing) box side by side in the trunk. Que the light­bulb over my head. That my friends, is where this idea was born. Noth­ing fan­cy just a lit­tle inspi­ra­tion lit­er­al­ly amidst a pile of junk!

I knew there was one more can­dle deep in the box some­where so I dug it out think­ing I could spruce them up a bit to add to my Christ­mas decor. The tray was lay­ing there in the trunk beg­ging to be put to good use so I snagged her up and inside I went to shift into DIY mode. Pack­ing had quick­ly become a thing of the past lol.…I may have a slight prob­lem here.

Just to add a sim­ple touch of Christ­mas, I had some tiny lit­tle faux spruce pieces that had fall­en from some gar­land. I trimmed them to fit the length of my candles.

Then, I sim­ply attached them to the can­dles by wrap­ping jute twine around the can­dle and greenery.

I secured the jute with a sin­gle knot in the back. You could very eas­i­ly bring the jute around the front of the can­dle and make a cute bow. For me, I was think­ing clean and simple.

That brings us to the end of our cute lit­tle can­dle dis­play, y’all! I arranged them in the tray to bring them togeth­er and wha-lah! A per­fect lit­tle Christ­mas Can­dle Dis­play with very lit­tle time or effort! I still can’t believe this one almost slipped by me and went to dona­tion! The best part is, you can total­ly do this too! Gath­er up some can­dles from around your home and add just a lit­tle some­thing extra to bring them togeth­er for your own easy display! 



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Karey says:

Cute! I don’t see where the tray is bro­ken. How­ev­er, I don’t mind bro­ken (chipped) pieces of wood on frames or oth­er items. For me it just add character.

roostandrestore says:

No one would know it was bro­ken real­ly. It was miss­ing the legs 

Barbara Lilze Lloyd says:

Beau­ti­ful! Nev­er know where inspi­ra­tion will come from. Embrace it when it hap­pens. You did good!?

roostandrestore says:

Yes! It comes out of nowhere some­times and you just have to roll with it 

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