
How I Discovered My Spiritual Gift and Put it into Practice


I was recent­ly lis­ten­ing to the Jen­nifer All­wood Show on iTunes and she said some­thing to the effect of not let­ting fear be an excuse for not lis­ten­ing to Gods call­ing over your life. If you would have asked me this time last year to set up a pho­to booth for a large com­mu­ni­ty event host­ed my our church I would have declined our of pure fear. In fact, no one would have even thought to ask me to dec­o­rate because well, no one knew I could. Even me. I had chalked up my love to cre­ate and dec­o­rate and DIY as mere­ly a hob­by my entire life. Much less ever believed in myself enough to put my work on dis­play for the world to see. I had not ever even con­sid­ered it as a true God-giv­en gift. I thought ser­vice looked like clean­ing the church, greet­ing peo­ple at the door, cook­ing for the sick…you know, all those things us church peo­ple are sup­posed to do. Please, don’t get me wrong, all of those things are amaz­ing acts of ser­vice but I nev­er felt called to do any of those things. I felt like I did­n’t fit it to any giv­en spot for ser­vice, it always felt way more forced that I thought God would be hap­py with, if that makes any sense at all. I mean, wasn’t doing this stuff, being the hands and feet of Jesus, sup­posed to bring you joy? I nev­er real­ly felt that to be com­plete­ly hon­est, not until recently.

Last night I expe­ri­enced a whole dif­fer­ent kind of joy. The pure joy of serv­ing with con­fi­dence that I did have a gift that God can and would use for His glo­ry. It wasn’t forced, I tru­ly felt that I could put my tal­ent to work and help reach peo­ple. I tru­ly enjoyed every moment of the plan­ning, prepa­ra­tion and the actu­al doing of this project. That isn’t to say that ser­vice isn’t going to require work and sac­ri­fice of your time, because it will. God has opened so many doors for oppor­tu­ni­ty in my life and busi­ness late­ly and it felt so good to be able to give back to him. 

You may be think­ing, how in the world is set­ting up a cute area for pic­tures con­sid­ered  an act of ser­vice? Lis­ten, y’all… you wouldn’t believe how many  smil­ing fac­ing I saw right here in front of this back­drop. I saw fam­i­ly and friends from all over our great­ly unchurched com­mu­ni­ty com­ing togeth­er to get that per­fect (or not so per­fect) fam­i­ly shot. Who knows, maybe God was work­ing on soft­en­ing hearts as those fam­i­lies squeezed in the pho­to, maybe He was birthing a rela­tion­ship between a lost soul and a church that want­ed to love on their com­mu­ni­ty. What­ev­er the case may be, it’s not our job to wor­ry about whether or not our gifts have made an impact. God only asks us to plant, He will do the rest.  Sure, there would have been a pho­to booth with­out my help, but I would have missed the bless­ing God had wait­ing for me. I used the gift that HE gave me to cre­ate this love­ly space for fam­i­lies and friends to cap­ture mem­o­ries on our church grounds. I was His hands and feet in that moment and that was all I was called to do. 

Please hear my heart on this, I am not shar­ing this to toot my own horn, but rather to encour­age you to lis­ten to that tug on your heart. God has put some­thing inside you that you may not even real­ize is there. Look inward and search deep to find that call­ing, that gift. Maybe look at the things you enjoy through a dif­fer­ent lens and ask how I can do this to the glo­ry of God. If it scares the heck out of you, do it any­way. I won’t go into all the details in this post but if you know me and know my sto­ry then you know that this time last year, I had zero con­fi­dence in myself and my spir­i­tu­al gift as a cre­ative. I reject­ed that call­ing for years. By ignor­ing that call­ing, I was reject­ing God, telling him His gift to me wasn’t good enough for service. 

Some­times I won­der if we would be bet­ter off not wor­ry­ing so much about the results of our ser­vice, God has that part cov­ered, and instead, focused on what is tak­ing place in our hearts as we serve.  We can focus on the por­tion of the sto­ry that God has asked us to lit­er­al­ly be the hand and feet. 

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11 thoughts on “How I Discovered My Spiritual Gift and Put it into Practice

  1. Judi Wyatt

    Kaycee, this is so absolute­ly beau­ti­ful! God has used you and in a mighty way! May He con­tin­ue to bless you as He uses your tal­ents in the future for His Glo­ry! I don’t real­ly know you except through your blog but I’m so proud of you! You are a very spe­cial Chris­t­ian lady!

    1. roostandrestore

      This means so much to me. Thank you Judy!

  2. Terry Whitaker

    You are such an inspi­ra­tion!! You are doing exact­ly what God has called you to do this very moment!! He is not look­ing for our abil­i­ty, but he is look­ing for our avail­abil­i­ty. You are tru­ly a ser­vant that exem­pli­fies HIS love!! Keep up the good work!!

    1. roostandrestore

      It is refresh­ing. I have gone a long time not know­ing where it was I was sup­posed to serve. I am grateful.

  3. there. Machado

    Thank you Kaycee for shar­ing this. It helps so much. Like most we are are our own worst crit­ics. We judge our­selves so harsh­ly that we assume that’s what oth­ers must see too. Great job with the back­drop. Wish I was rhere.

    1. roostandrestore

      I have been a ter­ri­ble crit­ic of myself for the longest time. It is nice to be mov­ing past that.

  4. Tiffany

    This is a awe­some sto­ry!! You are tru­ly a bless­ing to us and yes it is hard to step out, I have been there as well! I am so blessed that you took the part in this. I can’t wait to see what God has in-store for the church in the com­ing days!! Just know your fam­i­ly, and if there’s a time u need my help please let me know! I would love to side by side in your jour­ney. Your set­ting was beautiful!!!

    1. roostandrestore

      You are awe­some. Thank you for your sup­port. I love our church so much.

  5. Kathy

    This is beau­ti­ful and the hon­esty is refresh­ing. I am thank­ful you found your call­ing and it involves impact­ing so many peo­ple through your work.

    1. roostandrestore

      Thank you so much! it is a true bless­ing to be able to help serve others.

  6. Marcia

    We are blessed to be a bless­ing and you, my dear are! By the way! I made your favorite soup today and it is very good! (Tortelli­ni)

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