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Easy Old Canvas Decor Makeover

Do you have an old piece of decor that has seen a bet­ter day, or maybe, if you’re like me, it just does­n’t match your cur­rent style. I have held on to this can­vas for year­rrrs. Lit­er­al­ly. Because I knew one day I want­ed to give it a makeover.  This easy old can­vas makeover will…

How to Make Homemade All-Purpose Lemon Cleaner

Mak­ing home­made clean­ers is not as hard as it sounds. You can make this Home­made All-Pur­pose Lemon Clean­er in just a cou­ple easy steps and you might even get a pitch­er of Fresh Squeezed Lemon­ade while you’re at it. I am very hap­py to add this fresh smelling, grease cut­ting all pur­pose clean­er to my arse­nal…

Old-Fashioned Homemaking and Simple DIY Living

Old-fash­ioned home­mak­ing and sim­ple DIY Liv­ing isn’t all about being a stay at home mom, although, that cer­tain­ly is a big part of my per­son­al expe­ri­ence. Rather is is about embrac­ing a slow­er paced and inten­tion­al­ly sim­ple lifestyle. Back in the day this type of lifestyle was the stan­dard way of liv­ing. Today, no so…

Mama’s Old Fashioned Corn Bread

This is a fam­i­ly recipe hand­ed down from my great grand­moth­er, known as Memaw. She died not long after I was born in 1993 but her cook­ing style and recipes have been passed down through the gen­er­a­tion and now I am shar­ing with you. I have nev­er seen this par­tic­u­lar recipe writ­ten down on paper…

Banana Bread with Maple Syrup

Bak­ing goods for break­fast seems to be a trend around here at the home­stead. A few weeks ago I made AMISH CINNAMON SWIRL BREAD and this morn­ing we shared a warm loaf of Clas­sic Banana Bread (with a twist). I am excit­ed to share this recipe for your to enjoy in your kitchens. This is…

Amish Cinnamon Swirl Bread

I made this recipe for the first time this morn­ing. Sun­day’s are typ­i­cal­ly crazy in our house. Rush­ing for show­ers and get­ting ready for church. Due to the cur­rent quar­an­tine we watched church from home and kept our social dis­tance but y’all, can I just say, no amount of social dis­tance should keep you from…

More about Us.

Hey there, I’m Kaycee, just a small-town girl from West­ern Ken­tucky, shar­ing the ups and downs of my jour­ney. I live in a cozy lit­tle house with my two boys, Lin­coln and Ledger, and let me tell you, life’s been quite the ride! In 2018, I start­ed Roost and Restore Home—it was my lit­tle pas­sion project.…

Pieces of Me

The Sto­ry of the Patch­work Quilt  So just to paint the scene here, I am writ­ing this in between sips of Sprite and chick­en noo­dle soup all while being wrapped up in an old patch­work quilt I helped my Grannie to make year­rrrs ago. As a kid, I remem­ber my Grannie’s lit­tle sewing room. It was…