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DIY Mason Jar Cake Stand

I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve sift­ed through this box of old hand­writ­ten recipes over the years… each time I learn some­thing new about my her­itage… the woman that left a lega­cy. My great grand­moth­er passed when I was an infant and I have since lost my Grannie. Oh the sto­ries my Grannie…

DIY Recipe Card Holder

I seem to always have scrap wood laying around so why not put it to good use. I decided to resurrect the long forgotten woodpile and create some the cute and useful!


Bible Study Cards Other DIY Printables So you’re look­ing for a free down­load­able print­able? I have you cov­ered! I have a cute selec­tion of images you can instant­ly down­load for your own use. There are oth­er ways to use a print­able oth­er than fram­ing it. See my cre­ation below for inspi­ra­tion on what you can do…


Wel­come to our DIY home projects com­mu­ni­ty! Whether you’re in a cozy apart­ment or nes­tled on a sprawl­ing ranch, we’re here to inspire and guide you through a world of cre­ative pos­si­bil­i­ties for your liv­ing space. Join us as we explore the art of craft­ing from-scratch recipes, cre­at­ing stun­ning DIY decor, and embark­ing on a vari­ety…