DIY Recipe Card Holder

I pret­ty much always have scrap wood lay­ing around. I just can’t seem to throw out the cute lit­tle end pieces that every­one seems to think are use­less. This beau­ti­ful recipe card hold­er seemed like the per­fect fit for my long for­got­ten lit­tle pile of lumber

Supplies Needed:

  • Scrap wood pieces of var­i­ous sizes-see images 
  • Wood­en plaque
  • Clothes pin
  • Hot glue
  • Paint
  • Antiquing glaze

Start by assem­bling the base of the stand. You can skip this step by using a wood­en can­dle­stick. My pur­pose of this project was to use what I had around the house so this is what my stand looked like. I used a cir­cle plaque from Michael’s Craft Store and a small lit­tle rectangle.

You can replace this with a cute spin­dle or candlestick 

Next, using your hot glue assem­ble the top part of your stand.

Then, we paint! Noth­ing com­pli­cat­ed here, just pick your favorite col­or and go to town! It does­n’t have to per­fect, because of the antiquing tech­nique I used next. 

I absolute­ly adore the look of and antiqued piece. For­tu­nate­ly we have the lux­u­ry of mak­ing thins appear old than they are with this awe­some stuff. For this project I used Valspar’s Antiquing Glaze.

I’ve lit­er­al­ly had this same can for about 5 years. It goes a loooong way! 

Nor­mal­ly I don’t rec­om­mend apply­ing glaze while the paint is still wet. Ide­al­ly it’s applied to dry paint in small areas and worked into the design slow­ly. To be hon­est I was doing this project on a Face­book live and had to think in my feet. I real­ized the paint was not gonna be dry by the time we were ready for this step so I just went with it! Hon­est­ly it end­ed up being wayyy eas­i­er to work in and cre­ate the look I want­ed. I can’t total­ly rule out using the “wet dis­tress” tech­nique in the future because I’m think­ing we may be on to some­thing good here. 

An up close view of the wet dis­tress­ing of the wood 

At this point you can either be fin­ished with the look of the stand and can move on to the next step, Feel free to take your dis­tress­ing a step fur­ther by sand­ing the edges. It’s total­ly up to you and your creativity! 

Once you’re sat­is­fied with your dis­tress­ing it’s time to attach your clothes pin to the top of your stand. 

I chose to gar­nish my pin with some buf­fa­lo check of course. 

Final­ly, you’re ready for your recipe, pic­ture, word of encour­age­ment… you name it! That’s what I love about this piece is that it’s seri­ous­ly that easy and versatile. 

How pre­cious is this?

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