Decor Decor + Styling

DIY Mason Jar Cake Stand


I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve sift­ed through this box of old hand­writ­ten recipes over the years… each time I learn some­thing new about my her­itage… the woman that left a lega­cy. My great grand­moth­er passed when I was an infant and I have since lost my Grannie. Oh the sto­ries my Grannie used to share. There is not much I wouldn’t give to hear those sto­ries just one more time, just so I could soak them in just a lit­tle bit longer. She’s been on my mind a lot late­ly, Sep­tem­ber 23rd marked 11 years with­out her and I’ve been dream­ing of her face a lot lately. 

I always feel guilty because every year the anniver­sary of her pass­ing seems to slip by with­out me notic­ing, then the guilt sets in. This DIY start­ed with me sift­ing through the count­less recipes in this old tat­tered box with my mom. We do that from time to time when we’re feel­ing sen­ti­men­tal. There is some­thing so very spe­cial about read­ing the words, hold­ing the pages and cook­ing the food that our loved ones did before us. 

With the hol­i­days quick­ly approach­ing I start­ed think­ing of ways we could have our lost loved one a bit clos­er as we gath­er. That is where the idea of this recipe cake stand dis­play comes in. Not only is it func­tion­al it is also sim­ple to make and brings a touch of sen­ti­ment to your thanks­giv­ing spread.

It start­ed with a mason jar with the ring only, some E‑6000 adhe­sive( not pic­tured), a thrift­ed tart pan I found for a whole 99 cents at the Good­will and the most impor­tant part…a hand­writ­ten recipe. If you don’t have an old hand­writ­ten recipe then I sug­gest you start a tra­di­tion of writ­ing them down. It is a lost art real­ly, and it sad­dens me to think that there real­ly may be peo­ple who have nev­er held a phys­i­cal recipe in their hands…I can’t even imag­ine! It con­victs me a lit­tle actu­al­ly, this is def­i­nite­ly some­thing I should start for myself.

This par­tic­u­lar recipe was for my mama’s Hon­ey Bun Cake. I’ve had this many many times over the years and oh my good­ness, does it go great with a cup of cof­fee! If you look close­ly you can see stains on the paper from ingre­di­ents, scrib­bles and wrin­kles in the paper. Such sweetness. 

For your first step you are sim­ply going to place the recipe inside of your mason jar. Make sure your jar is nice and clean and CLEAR! I love this so much sim­ply because it just adds a spe­cial lit­tle touch to any meal you hap­pen to be serv­ing. I am excit­ed to use my moms hand-writ­ten recipes for this project clos­er to Thanksgiving! 


This step can also be eas­i­ly mod­i­fied. Fill your jar with pecans or acorns for a fun pop of nature to your spread! 


Then, using E6000 adhe­sive glue attach the ring of your mason jar to the cen­ter of your tart pan. Allow enough time for your adhe­sive to dry. I also must note that hot glue DID NOT WORK bond­ing the met­al on met­al. I also want to point out the edges on that tart pan (heart eyes) 

Once dry, screw your new “lid” back on the jar and fill with a fam­i­ly favorite recipe. I wish I had, had the time to recre­ate this cake but for now a nice pile of warm choco­late chip cook­ies will have to do. Let’s just say my boys did­n’t complain!


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3 thoughts on “DIY Mason Jar Cake Stand

  1. Pamela Anderson

    I love the Mason jar cake stand. My mama passed in 1996 and I cher­ish all the things that remind me of her. My dad­dy is now 90 and has lives in their home for 61 years, recent­ly we moved him to an assist­ed liv­ing and cleaned out his house. I found on of my mama’s recipe box­es with her hand­writ­ing, this would be won­der­ful to do.

    1. roostandrestore

      Yes! That’s exact­ly what I had in mine for this project! Sweet mem­o­ries when you gather 

  2. Hi every­one There real­ly are sev­er­al sharks for indi­vid­u­als who have improved your shark that is cur­rent to the opti­mum stage, which you may find and per­form with. danke

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