5 Repurposed Kitchen Island Tutorials

When I was toss­ing around ideas for cre­at­ing a kitchen island, I knew with­out a doubt that I want­ed to repur­pose SOMETHING, but I wan’t too sure on what. Of course, if you fol­low the blog, then you already know we decid­ed on the dress­er in the image below. I am super pleased with how…

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Thrifty Spring Decor for Your Mantle

Recent­ly, I made a trip to one of my favorite thrift shoppes in town on a mis­sion to gath­er a few bud­get-friend­ly items for my Spring man­tle. I did­n’t want to go all out Easter‑y with bright eggs and bun­nies but did want a taste­ful yet fresh look to my space. After brows­ing the store…

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Easy Vintage Stamped Lamp Shade

This DIY has got to be one of the eas­i­est cre­ations I have made in a while. It took me all of 5 min­utes, maybe less to com­plete this DIY. It all start­ed with a plain lamp shade, stamps and a love for all things vin­tage. If you have these three things handy then you…

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DIY Rusted Hardware

I have been work­ing on our island con­ver­sion for a few weeks now and I am final­ly gett­ting to the final touch­es on every­thing I want­ed the piece to look authen­ti­cal­ly old, that was my main goal. I bought new apothe­cary hard­ware from Ama­zon and absolute­ly LOVED the design. What I did­n’t love was how…

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Incorporating Vintage Elements into Your Spring Decor

I am a suck­er for all things vin­tage. It is my jam. I see rust or chip­py paint and my heart real­ly does flut­ter and to answer your ques­tion, no I don’t think it’s going any­where in the decor world. In my Pin­ter­est search­ing, I found myself lin­ger­ing toward inspi­ra­tion that includ­ed nat­ur­al grass­es, flow­ers,…

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Vintage Valentine’s Day Mantle Decor

Ok y’all. So I have jumped on the band­wag­on and decid­ed to add just a touch of love to my decor for Valen­tine’s Day. I have not giv­en it much thought in years past but I am real­ly enjoy­ing the chal­lenge of incor­po­rat­ing the “feel” of Valen­tine’s with­out so much of the reds ros­es and…

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Magpie Vintage Market A Picker’s Dream

Y’all, I went to my very first vin­tage mar­ket this past week­end Yes, you heard me right. It was my first time at a mar­ket like this, and I am cer­tain heav­en is full of rows and rows of hand select­ed vin­tage items and home made goods. I have been to flea mar­kets and trade…

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Easy DIY Vintage Farmhouse Pumpkin

I must warn you before you read any fur­ther. I am hard core about some fall DIY over here at R+R late­ly. It tru­ly is my favorite time of year, now through Christ­mas real­ly. Some­thing just clicks in my brain and I lit­er­al­ly can’t turn it off. Every where I look I find inspiration. In…

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License Plate DIY Project Ideas

There is some­thing beau­ti­ful about tak­ing some­thing old, dat­ed and once used for a total­ly dif­fer­ent pur­pose and cre­at­ing some­thing com­plete­ly orig­i­nal. These 15 DIY License Plate DIY Ideas will make you crave more upcy­cled projects in your life!  Check out these amaz­ing and total­ly cre­ative uses for your old stash of plates. Per­fect for a…

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Upcycled Dry Sink Shelf

This is hands down my favorite project yet! And yes I am aware that I say that about every project but this time I real­ly mean it! Let me give you a lit­tle bit of back­ground on this piece. Near the town where I live in Ken­tucky there is an annu­al 400 Hun­dred Mile Yard…

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