Incorporating Vintage Elements into Your Spring Decor

I am a suck­er for all things vin­tage. It is my jam. I see rust or chip­py paint and my heart real­ly does flut­ter and to answer your ques­tion, no I don’t think it’s going any­where in the decor world. In my Pin­ter­est search­ing, I found myself lin­ger­ing toward inspi­ra­tion that includ­ed nat­ur­al grass­es, flow­ers, moss ect. and decid­ed to gath­er a few of my favorites togeth­er for those that are like-heart­ed in their desire to mix in old­er ele­ments with the nat­ur­al beau­ty and new­ness that Spring brings.

The pho­tos con­tain links to the orginal sources.

Take this arrnge­ment for exam­ple, I loved the soft­ness of the col­or mixed with the rusty bas­ket and doilie. It eas­i­ly says Spring and I love the old­er added elements.

This lit­tle dit­ty is def­i­nite­ly on my to-do list. I recent­ly cre­at­ed a way to fash­ion a DIY birds nest and I am eager to try and recre­ate this look. Noth­ing says vin­tage like an old book page, right?

Every­thing about this view is perec­tion. That hand­some bun­ny is what grabbed my atten­tion in the first place, then I noticed alot of the oth­er sweet vin­tage ele­ments that real­ly dri­ve this look home. Notice the aged ter­ra cot­ta, brass can­dle­sticks, a sweet lit­tle cloche.…I could go on and on.

It nev­er fails, I can spot LMB out of just about any line­up on Pin­ter­est. Her style just speaks to me. Every space in her home has been kissed by a vin­tage fairy. The greens, the whites, the woods and espe­cial­ly that vin­tage rab­bit sign! 

I sim­ply adore the unique­ness of this look! That’s the thing about vin­tage, it’s so darn unique. Every­thing has it’s own sto­ry as to how it became so per­fect­ly beau­ti­ful and Sal­vaged Liv­ing has an amaz­ing vision for all of her aged finds. Ps…if you ever see spin­dles, get them, they are per­fect no mat­ter the season!!!

Old crocks, rusty cans, chipy furniture…oh my! I love how eas­i­ly Spring was incor­po­rat­ed with just the sim­ple added touch of laven­der. Spring in and of itself is sim­ple. Don’t feel like you have to go over­board to achieve your vin­tage look. The atte­tion is in the details.

Oh hel­lo there you cute lit­tle “Springs” That’s anoth­er thing I can’t go with­out men­tion­ing when dis­cussing vin­tage decor, upcy­cling. Use that met­al in a way that it was­n’t intend­ed to be used. In this case, bed­springs make the per­fect lit­tle rest­ing place for these pre­cious lit­tle spring nests.

Noth­ing says vin­tage like this neat (not so) lit­tle sug­ar mold. Just so hap­pens it hous­es these pre­cious lit­tle eggs per­fect­ly, don­cha think? See­ing the sweet added ele­ments of the ribbed glass­ware and lace table run­ner takes me back in time. I can’t help but think of a casu­al Sun­day din­ner at this table.

This print stopped me in my tracks and remind­ed me that Spring does­n’t always have to be about the bun­nies and flow­ers. It has me think­ing out­side the box a bit as I am plan­ning my Spring decor. It adds instant char­ac­ter and pairs beau­ti­ful­ly with sim­ple greenery. 

Again, Spring decor does­n’t have to be over the top. I love how the col­ors of the vin­tage books here give a nod to the sea­son. Paired with some spin­dles and twig­gy flo­rals and it’s light, airy and says Spring.

From man­tles, to vingettes I real­ly enjoyed bring­ing this col­lec­tion togeth­er for you. I would love to know which of these ideas have inspired you most. As for me, I will cer­tain­ly be tak­ing these ideas into con­sid­er­a­tion as I con­tin­ue to plan. Hap­py decorating! 


Items Labeled “The Spring Shop” 40% off at Hob­by Lobby


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