Search Results for: diy

  • DIY Projects

    Dollar Tree Spring Decor DIY

    I am in LOVE with these cute lit­tle gal­va­nized buck­ets they have at the Dol­lar Tree each Spring. They start putting these on the shelves in Jan­u­ary and I snag one when I see it because they go FAST! I think they make the per­fect Dol­lar Tree Spring decor! This Spring Dol­lar Tree DIY began as a Valen­tine project, real­ly. I had all of my wood let­ters and paints laid out ready to craft, and like most good crafts do, it evolved into some­thing total­ly different!  WATCH THE VIDEO TUTORIAL HERE Supplies Dol­lar Tree gal­va­nized bucket Wood Let­ters Sticks from…

  • DIY Projects

    DIY Dollar Tree Wreath Makeover

    I hope you are ready for a sim­ple DIY that will knock your socks off! This Dol­lar Tree Win­ter wreath looks any­thing but cheap and makes the per­fect tran­si­tion­al piece for my liv­ing room decor. Supplies Dol­lar Tree bam­boo wreath form Ever­green picks or garland Euca­lyp­tus Picks or garland Mini Pinecones Rib­bon (or left­over gift bow) Hot Glue WATCH THE VIDEO TUTORIAL HERE I used this cute lit­tle bam­boo wreath I found dur­ing a sup­ply run to the Dol­lar Tree. Truth­ful­ly, any wreath form will do.  I used some left­over picks from Christ­mas. I like to keep greens in mydecor after Christ­mas to…

  • DIY Projects - Scrap Wood Projects

    DIY Rustic Winter Wood Projects

    Wood block and scrap wood projects are my absolute favorite. I think most­ly because of the rus­tic qual­i­ties they have and how ver­sa­tile they can real­ly be. These rus­tic win­ter wood projects are no excep­tion to my love/ This is why I cre­at­ed the Wood­shop. To help oth­er women, just like me, gain con­fi­dence in mak­ing wood projects for themselves. We all are guilty of see­ing a cute project and shar­ing it to our feed or sav­ing it to our Pin­ter­est boards but what if I told you that YOU can bring these ideas to life! YOU can get your hands…

  • DIY Projects

    The Perfect DIYer Gift Guide

    This year put the gift of DIY under­neath the tree. With more time spent at home there has been a great upward trend of at home DIY projects and I have just the thing for it! I cre­at­ed this DIY­er Gift Guide to help you shop for that per­fect gift for the handy­man, crafter or all-around project lov­ing per­son in your life! With a few very basic but very handy tools your DIY­er is sure to be thrilled with one or all pf these gifts this Christmas! 1. DIY Wood Block House Project Kit This wood block kit is per­fect for…

  • DIY Projects

    Last Minute DIY Halloween Costume

    This DIY wolf cos­tume was a prod­uct of my pro­cras­ti­na­tion. This year’s theme was lit­tle Red Rid­ing Hood and I could not find a decent lit­tle boys wolf cos­tume any­where. I had a mask giv­en to me for free but it was too big and a lit­tle too scary for my 6 year old, how­ev­er, with a lit­tle imag­i­na­tion it could make the per­fect last minute Hal­loween costume.  What do I need to make this Halloween Costume? fab­ric hot glue hot glue gun rotary cut­ter cut­ting mat faux fur I think we can all agree this is not the cutest mask we have…

  • DIY Projects

    How to Make Wood Bead Tassel DIY Decor

    I am always look­ing for home decor to cre­ate on my own. Don’t get me wrong I love doing all types of crafts but I espe­cial­ly love the ones I can dis­play in my home year round. This is exact­ly why I am excit­ed to teach you how to make wood bead tas­sel DIY decor. Not only is this one sim­ple but it incor­po­rates one of my very favorite elements…wood! I have var­i­ous wood bead gar­lands, tas­sels, cut­ting boards, bowls and more scat­tered through­out my home and I am excit­ed to add this cute lit­tle addition. Materials *these ar affil­i­at­ed links…

  • Cooking - Decor + Styling

    Old-Fashioned Homemaking and Simple DIY Living

    Old-fash­ioned home­mak­ing and sim­ple DIY Liv­ing isn’t all about being a stay at home mom, although, that cer­tain­ly is a big part of my per­son­al expe­ri­ence. Rather is is about embrac­ing a slow­er paced and inten­tion­al­ly sim­ple lifestyle. Back in the day this type of lifestyle was the stan­dard way of liv­ing. Today, no so much. I am on a mis­sion to help women embrace this lifestyle and to encour­age them that it is pos­si­ble in today’s world. Women of all ages should feel con­fi­dent in nutur­ing their home and spaces in a way that feels wholesome.  “I am begin­ning…

  • DIY Projects

    DIY Walnut Wood Stain

    I am so excit­ed to have made this DIY Wal­nut Wood Stain! It is a game chager for peo­ple who love to get their hands dirty and make things for them­self! The best part??? It only requires TWO, yes two, ingre­di­ents to pre­pare! It’s quick, easy and so beautiful! STEP ONE- GATHER NUTS From start to fin­ish this project will take you less than 10 min­utes to cre­ate. I went out and gath­ered about a dozen wal­nuts from the ground beneath my wal­nut tree. I brought them inside and shucked the out­er hulls from the nut.  Keep in mind black wal­nuts…

  • DIY Projects

    DIY Herb Racks for Your Kitchen

    An herb rack is one of those items you nev­er knew you need­ed for your kitchen. I am cur­rent­ly try­ing to dream up an idea for cre­at­ing my own for my kitchen. I have basil, rose­mary, thyme and oregeno in my win­dow seal that are ready for har­vest and I am loo­ing for a beau­ti­ful way to dis­play them. There are so many unique and fun ways to dis­play these lit­tle fra­grant beau­ties it’s going to be dif­fi­cult to decide. I like this meth­ods for dry­ing because I find it not only beau­ti­ful but benef­i­cal for fla­vor. Hang­ing herbs upside­down let’s…

  • Decor + Styling - DIY Projects

    DIY Paper Scroll Wall Decor

    I recent­ly paint­ed a wall in our liv­ing room and I have been try­ing to decide how to style it. I com­plet­ed the first ele­ment for the wall today. A DIY brown paper scroll. You can buy hand let­tered scrolls off Etsy but the size I need­ed was a bit pricey. Mak­ing one this way will cost much less!  ARE YOU LIVING MAKING THINGS AROUND YOUR HOME? TRY THIS ADORABLE DIY WOOD BLOCK HOUSE I start­ed with a roll of brown craft paper from the dol­lar store and vinyl cutouts I cre­at­ed using my Cri­cut. I have had this machine for over…