DIY Dollar Tree Wreath Makeover

I hope you are ready for a sim­ple DIY that will knock your socks off! This Dol­lar Tree Win­ter wreath looks any­thing but cheap and makes the per­fect tran­si­tion­al piece for my liv­ing room decor.

dollar tree winter wreath



dollar tree bamboo wreath

I used this cute lit­tle bam­boo wreath I found dur­ing a sup­ply run to the Dol­lar Tree. Truth­ful­ly, any wreath form will do. 

winter picks with pinecones

I used some left­over picks from Christ­mas. I like to keep greens in mydecor after Christ­mas to bring some life into things amd help it keep from look­ing so bare. I was­n’t quite ready to pack them away after undec­o­rat­ing, so I took my snips to them. You can recy­cle the picks by cut­ting the branch­es from the stems and tuck and hot glue them to the sur­face of the wreath form. 

The euca­lyp­tus came from clip­pings of a gar­land I had on hand as well. I sug­gest hot glu­ing your “base” first, which in this case is the ever­green and then use your sec­ondary plant to tuck in and fill the emp­ty spaces.

buffalo check ribbon

Are you see­ing a trend here? I love to be resource­ful when I can, and this wreath was no excep­tion. I sal­vaged a bow from a Christ­mas gift, gave it a lit­tle trim, and embell­ished with a small pinecone in the center. 

It was cute as a but­ton in the cen­ter of the Dol­lar Tree Win­ter wreath. Jin­gle bells or even a cute lit­tle snowflake orna­ment would be adorable here in the cen­ter too. 

rustic winter wreath on chippy farmhouse cabinet

How is that for a Dol­lar Tree project? I am so darn hap­py with this lit­tle beau­ty! She stands out nice­ly against my chip­py white “cozy cab­i­net” in my liv­ing room!

I hope this was inspi­ra­tional for you to go through the items you have in stor­age or maybe take one last look at your Christ­mas decor to see what you can reuse for a new purpose.

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