You searched for dollar tree

No Sew Patriotic Pillow from A Dollar Tree Chair Cover

I am con­tin­u­al­ly look­ing for rea­sons to vis­it the Dol­lar Tree…well who am I kid­ding I don’t need a rea­son. But yes­ter­day I just had the urge to craft and cre­ate some­thing. Do you know the feel­ing? I walked in to the store with a plan to find sup­plies to cre­ate a wreath and came out…

Dollar Tree Easter DIY Under $10

Y’all it has been a hot minute since I have mus­tered up enough time and cre­ativ­i­ty to come up with some­thing cre­ative, much less write about it. I thought there was no bet­ter way to get back in the game than a good ole Dol­lar Tree East­er DIY. I real­ize many Dol­lar Tree loca­tions have…

Dollar Tree Tile Textured Turkey

Every month I have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to craft with some of my favorite friends over on Face­book using the project from the Craft Wood Club. This month I sent the cutest turkey cutout and showed them how to tex­ture it using a Dol­lar Tree Tile. What I love most about this month­ly mem­ber­ship is the…

Maple Leaf Dollar Tree Makeover

It’s been a while since I shared a good ole Dol­lar Tree makeover. I espe­cial­ly love when the makeovers are as sim­ple as this one. I grabbed up a cou­ple bun­dles of these maple leaves right when all of the fall decor start­ed hit­ting the shelves at the begin­ning of the season. I had some…

Dollar Tree Lantern DIY

I love shar­ing thrifty ways to make your own decor. I espe­cial­ly love shar­ing these projects Live on face­book, which is where this Dol­lar Tree Lantern DIY came from! It came togeth­er bet­ter than ever expect­ed and looks high end with a cute can­dle ring and euca­lyp­tus can­dle. I have list­ed out the steps for…

DIY Dollar Tree Cloche

Y’all know I love me a thrifty DIY from time to time and let me just tell ya, this lit­tle DIY Dol­lar Tree cloche does not dis­ap­point! Use it for trin­kets, dis­play a can­dle or sim­ply let it stand on its own. Any way you use it your guests will nev­er know it was a…

How to Make a Dollar Tree Pumpkin Topiary

I have done plen­ty of DIY’s with Dol­lar Tree pump­kins over the years, but this Dol­lar Tree Pump­kin Top­i­ary is my favorite.  Supplies needed for a Dollar Tree Pumpkin Topiary 2 Dol­lar Tree pump­kins of dif­fer­ent sizes Span­ish Moss Paint Col­ors of choice I am use a rust and iron and Waver­ly Plas­ter White Uphol­stery tacks or thumb­tacks…

Scandinavian Inspired Dollar Tree Bell Makeover

I found these adorable lit­tle bells at our local Dol­lar Tree last Christ­mas and knew they would made a cute base for this Dol­lar Tree bell makeover. It dawned on me today, in the heat of July, that I would use them to cre­ate a Scan­di­na­vian inspired wreath for Christmas!  Scan­di­na­vian Christ­mas decor is sim­ple…

DIY Dollar Tree Frame Makeover

I have had my hands on the Dol­lar Tree frame for a while just wait­ing for the per­fect project and this was just what I was wait­ing for! I mean, once you see how cute this DIY Dol­lar Tree frame makeover turned out„ you’re gonna want to run to the store to grab one for…

Dollar Tree DIY Vintage Card Catalog

I have this per­son­al phi­los­o­phy. I refuse to make Dol­lar Tree DIYs that I would not per­son­al­ly use in my home. This Dol­lar Tree DIY Vin­tage Card Cat­a­log checks that box for sure! It is hands-down one of the cutest dol­lar store makeovers I have done to date! In my opin­ion anyways. You will be…