Dollar Tree Tile Textured Turkey

Every month I have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to craft with some of my favorite friends over on Face­book using the project from the Craft Wood Club. This month I sent the cutest turkey cutout and showed them how to tex­ture it using a Dol­lar Tree Tile. What I love most about this month­ly mem­ber­ship is the cre­ative free­dom with qual­i­ty wood pieces it provides.

So whether you’re like me and using a Dol­lar Tree tile to add tex­ture or you want to try a dif­fer­ent tech­nique, you have the per­fect lit­tle wood­en can­vas to cre­ate with!

For starters I peeled away the back­ing on the 12x12 dol­lar tree tile and pressed the feath­er sec­tion of the turkey to the back­ing. I then traced the out­line with a box blade to removed the excess tile.

Once that part was com­plete I applied a coat of Sand­stone Waver­ly Chalk paint over the sur­face of the tile along with the oth­er sec­tions of the turkey wood cutout.

I then decid­ed to antique the sand­stone with a Waver­ly wax. Again, I did this to each of the 3 wood sec­tions of this project. To be hon­est I did­n’t love the result of the wax where I had pre­vi­ous­ly applied the Dol­lar Tree tile. It came out look­ing blotchy and did­n’t match the look I was going for in my head. Don’t you just cringe when that hap­pens? But have no fear! The sand­ing block came to my res­cue in this case and I was able to sand away some of the blotchy areas which revealed some of the gold foil of the tile itself. 

Prob­lem solved.

Once all the paint­ed parts were dry I attached and assem­bled with hot glue. I embell­ished with uphol­stery tacks for eyes and cut tiny pieces of bal­sa wood (which were actu­al­ly flat domi­noes from the Dol­lar Tree) for the beak and beard…which I recent­ly learned the tech­ni­cal term is called a wattle…who knew? 

I mean come on! How stinkin pre­cious this this lit­tle guy? I adore his neu­tral col­or and see­ing that gold foil shine from the Dol­lar Tree tile shine through just a wee bit make this turkey ready for Thanksgiving!

dollar tree textured tile turkey


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