How to Make a Dollar Tree Pumpkin Topiary

I have done plen­ty of DIY’s with Dol­lar Tree pump­kins over the years, but this Dol­lar Tree Pump­kin Top­i­ary is my favorite. 

Supplies needed for a Dollar Tree Pumpkin Topiary

Pumpkin #1

Begin by carv­ing out the cen­ter of your Dol­lar tree foam pump­kin. This step isn’t com­plete­ly nec­es­sary unless you plan to fill the void with some­thing. In this case, in this case, I will be fill­ing it with a small green­ery pick here in bit.

dollar tree foam pumpkin craft

After the cen­ter is carved out, you can use thumb­tacks or uphol­stery tacks to cre­ate the pop­u­lar hob­nail tex­ture you see in a lot of decor pieces. 

dollar tree foam pumpkin makeover

Then I paint­ed the entire pump­kin in a chalky white for cov­er­age before paint­ing a sec­ond coat in Eng­lish Navy by Apple Barrel. 

easy fall dollar tree diy

After both coats of paint are com­plete­ly dry, you are going to use a Lime­wash Glaze by Valspar to cre­ate a gen­tly aged and worn effect. This is espe­cial­ly help­ful in dis­guis­ing the tex­ture of the Styrofoam. 

Cov­er the edge of the open­ing using hot glue and span­ish moss before plac­ing a green­ery pick in the center.

Pumpkin #2

Much of this process for the 2nd pump­kin will be sim­i­lar. I grabbed this vel­vet cov­ered pump­kin because it was slight­ly small­er than the first. I want­ed there to be some vari­a­tion in the sizes of the pumpkins.

Start by remov­ing the cov­er­ing and stem.

Then paint. I used a iron col­or and lay­ered it with an iron col­or for a rusty effect. 

Then, again, using hot glue and moss adorn the top of your sec­ond pump­kin along with a cre­ative stem.

After that, sim­ply stack your pump­kins and press them togeth­er with hot glue until secure.

foam pumpkin diy topiary

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