If you know me, then you know neutral is to my decor like peanut butter to jelly, the stuffed crust to my pizza.… they just go together! Ha! And y’all this DIY Halloween mummy vase is no exception!
Every Monday I go live on Facebook sharing a makeover idea for your home. From thrift store flips, Dollar Tree Makeovers and all the DIY projects in between, I share it over there every single Monday! You can watch this week Makeover Monday: DIY Halloween Mummy vase Video Tutorial now!

This was literally the EASIEST Halloween DIY I think I have ever done. From start to finish this project will take you about 5 minutes to complete!
I don’t know about you, but that’s my kinda project!
I grabbed a roll of gauze at my local Dollar General and cut it in about 5 or so strips. How much you really need will depend on the size of the vase. Then, as shown in the video tutorial, I cut those strips lengthwise to create 10 narrow strips.

From there it is all about wrapping and securing with a dot of hot glue!
I finished off our mummy with a votive candle for a little extra special touch of spooky-ness!

What do you think? I love how she turned out! And wow was it simple! This would be fun to modify at Christmas time to create a snowman too, don’t you think?