How to Style a Dough Bowl with Faux Wildflowers

Dough bowl decor is super trendy right now! If you have one at home and you’ve been struggling with how to style it, this is for you!

Recent­ly, I was asked to cre­ate an arrange­ment for a friend so I reached for an (emp­ty dough bowl can­dle) cleaned up the left­over wax, and start­ed to work on this faux wild­flower arrangement. 

cleaning a dough bowl candle

I grabbed a piece of flo­ral foam, cut it in half length­wise, and hot glued it to the bot­tom of the dough bowl.

floral foam diy floral arrangement

Then I cov­ered the flo­ral foam with Span­ish moss, using hot glue. I had all of these sup­plies on hand but most can be found at your local dol­lar store or craft store.

spanish moss base for DIY floral arrangement

Now for this step in the process I grabbed a wild­flower gar­land I had on hand and dis­as­sem­bled it for the picks. I used a basic pair of wire cut­ters to cut them to length.

Then comes the fun part of cre­at­ing the arrange­ment. I’m not a pro­fes­sion­al florist but I do enjoy see­ing these types of arrange­ments take shape. I have found through my per­son­al expe­ri­ence that start­ing from the out­side and work­ing inward toward the middle/

diy dough bowl arrangement

I con­tin­ued to work my way toward the mid­dle, fill­ing in any naked spots. 

I absolute­ly love how this dough bowl arrange­ment came out! It’s unex­pect­ed and looks like a fresh picked bunch of flow­ers! I would love to attempt this look with fried flo­rals too!

wildflower arrangement with rusty metal wall background

What do you think? If you’re look­ing for more dough bowl good­ness you should def­i­nite­ly check out our DIY Decor Club! 

dough bowl flower arrangement diy

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1 comment

[…] After the base is clean you are ready to begin your spring arrange­ment. I glued a chunk of flo­ral foam to the bot­tom of the bowl and cov­ered it with span­ish moss, also from the dol­lar store. Once the foam was cov­ered I dis­as­sem­bled the dol­lar tree flo­rals with a pair of wire cut­ters and began build­ing the arrange­ment from the out­side inward. You can see a sim­i­lar arrange­ment I did with faux wild­flow­ers back in the sum­mer, he… […]

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